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Using Hair-Combing Interactions to Enhance Relationships between Black Women and Girls Impacted by Homelessness
Women & Therapy ( IF 1.484 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-04 , DOI: 10.1080/02703149.2019.1622912
Nola M. Butler Byrd 1 , Michelle J. Rowe-Odom 1 , Ojore L. Bushfan 1 , Ava Gill 1 , Kathleen Baca 1 , Marva L. Lewis 2

Abstract This mixed-methods study explored the intimate relationship between a homeless caregiver and her daughter as they participated in an 8-week, multiethnic hair-combing interaction (HCI) support group for women and children dealing with homelessness. The project used critical pedagogy and multicultural and feminist theories to create a collaborative, experiential learning environment. The mother in this case study reported increased well-being and self- and other awareness and greater attachment to her child. This study demonstrates the potential value of everyday interactions, such as hair combing, as a site for the development of healthy, culturally congruent, attached relationships between Black women and girls.



摘要 这项混合方法研究探讨了一名无家可归的照顾者和她的女儿之间的亲密关系,因为他们参加了一个为期 8 周的多民族梳理头发互动 (HCI) 支持小组,该小组针对无家可归的妇女和儿童。该项目使用批判性教学法、多元文化和女权主义理论来创造一个协作的、体验式的学习环境。本案例研究中的母亲报告说,幸福感、自我意识和其他意识都有所提高,对孩子的依恋也有所增加。这项研究证明了日常互动的潜在价值,例如梳理头发,作为黑人妇女和女孩之间健康、文化一致、依恋关系发展的场所。