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How do science camps affect middle grade students’ image of scientists?
Research in Science & Technological Education ( IF 1.697 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-13 , DOI: 10.1080/02635143.2020.1740667
Gulsen Leblebicioglu , Pinar Cetin , Eylem Eroglu Dogan , Duygu Metin Peten , Esra Capkinoglu


Background: Many survey studies conducted in different countries have reported that students had stereotypical images of scientists, such as being male, old, bald, wearing eyeglasses, and working in laboratories. There are also intervention studies to introduce real scientists and change students’ stereotypical image of scientists. The current work is one such study.

Purpose: To monitor the change in the image of scientists of students attending in four similar science camps.

Sample: In total, 96 students participated. However, only those (78) who had taken all tests were included in analysis.

Design and Methods: One-week camp was repeated four times. The camp team consisted of non-stereotypical scientists who interacted with the students throughout the camps both formally while they were guiding student inquiry into nature and informally at other times. The students were asked to draw ‘a scientist at work’, similar to Draw a Scientist Test (DAST), as pre- and post-application in all camps, and as retention in two. Non-parametric tests were applied.

Results: Five common stereotypical images of scientists in pre-application were symbols of research, symbols of knowledge, symbols of technology, being male, and working in laboratory. Only decrease in being male and increase in symbols of technology from pre- to post-application were statistically significant. Another statistically significant increase was in number of scientists working in nature. When the data from two science camps with retention were combined, statistically significant changes were found in symbols of knowledge (increase from post- to retention), being male (decrease from pre- to post- and pre- to retention), working in laboratory (increase from pre- to retention), and working in nature (increase from pre- post-).

Conclusion: The camps were more effective in decreasing the stereotypical image of scientists being male and introducing that science can also be conducted in nature. Other issues were discussed in the paper.






样本: 共有 96 名学生参加。然而,只有那些参加了所有测试的人 (78) 被纳入分析。

设计和方法: 一周的营地重复四次。夏令营团队由非刻板印象的科学家组成,他们在整个夏令营期间与学生进行互动,他们在指导学生探索自然的时候是正式的,而在其他时候则是非正式的。学生们被要求画“工作中的科学家”,类似于绘制科学家测试 (DAST),在所有营地中作为申请前和申请后,以及在两个营地中保留。应用了非参数检验。


