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Ideologies of sign language and their repercussions in language policy determinations
Language & Communication ( IF 1.890 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.langcom.2020.09.002
Joseph Lo Bianco

Abstract This article discusses ideologies of sign languages and language policy for revitalisation. The first part provides an analysis of language policy as official texts, public discourses and performative participation in policy process. After a review of ideologies that influence sign languages the paper looks at legal recognition, and some ways that the law can help or hinder the rights of sign language users. The origins of some language ideologies are traced through public attitudes, comparisons with revitalisation efforts for minority spoken languages and historical projects of idealised language forms. The article discusses the chapters in the Special Issue against the backdrop of language policy and political considerations.



摘要 本文讨论了手语的意识形态和振兴语言政策。第一部分分析了作为官方文本、公共话语和政策过程中的表演性参与的语言政策。在回顾了影响手语的意识形态之后,本文着眼于法律承认,以及法律可以帮助或阻碍手语使用者权利的一些方式。一些语言意识形态的起源是通过公众态度、与少数民族口语复兴努力的比较和理想化语言形式的历史项目来追溯的。本文在语言政策和政治考虑的背景下讨论了特刊中的章节。