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Economic Crises, Crisis of Labour Law? Lessons from Weimar
Journal of Law and Society ( IF 1.431 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-08 , DOI: 10.1111/jols.12225
Michel Coutu 1

Labour law has been thrown into turmoil in many large industrialized countries with democratic tradition and market economies. In fact, rapid economic globalization resulted in an irremediable decline in collective bargaining in most of the states that entered into the sphere of Anglo‐Saxon capitalism. On a first reading, the financial crisis of 2008 exacerbated this retreat of labour law back to its initial individualist and contractual forms. In analysing the contemporary crisis of labour law, the historical‐comparative method can be highly fruitful, especially if one considers the precedent of the economic crisis of 1929. On this basis, I first consider an influential text by Hugo Sinzheimer on the ‘crisis of labour law’ in Weimar Germany and a study by Otto Kahn‐Freund on the changing function of labour law in the same context. These works can be connected to the concept of the ‘labour constitution’, which Max Weber notably developed in an empirical sense, and which finds its extension in the later works of Thilo Ramm, a labour scholar of international reputation.



在许多具有民主传统和市场经济的大型工业化国家中,劳动法已陷入混乱。实际上,快速的经济全球化导致进入盎格鲁撒克逊资本主义领域的大多数州的集体谈判无可挽回地下降。初读时,2008年的金融危机使劳动法的退缩加剧,回到了最初的个人主义和合同形式。在分析当代劳动法危机时,采用历史比较法可以取得丰硕的成果,尤其是考虑到1929年经济危机的先例。在此基础上,我首先考虑雨果·辛茨海默(Hugo Sinzheimer)关于“危机”的有影响力的文本。魏玛德国的《劳动法》以及奥托·卡恩·弗雷德(Otto Kahn-Freund)的研究,探讨了在相同背景下劳动法的功能变化。