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Perceived managerial and leadership effectiveness within the Canadian public sector
Human Resource Development Quarterly ( IF 3.891 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-28 , DOI: 10.1002/hrdq.21406
Robert G. Hamlin 1 , Sandi Whitford 2

This study responds primarily to numerous calls for specific public management and public administration‐related research to better understand public leadership currently performed in an increasingly complex and ambiguous world. It also responds to calls in the human resource development (HRD) literature for more qualitative managerial behavior research. The inquiry explores perceptions of what behaviorally distinguishes effective managers from ineffective managers, as expressed by managers and nonmanagerial employees within a Canadian public utility company. It reaches for generalization by comparing the results against findings from equivalent qualitative managerial behavior studies carried out in three subareas of the British public sector. Using the critical incident technique (CIT), concrete examples (critical incidents [CIs]) of observed managerial behavior were collected from managers and nonmanagerial staff. The CIs (n = 530) were subjected to open and axial coding to identify a smaller number of discrete behavioral categories (BSs). Selective coding of the identified BSs (n = 99) resulted in 16 positive (effective) and 12 negative (ineffective) behavioral criteria (BCs) being deduced. Over 92% of the Canadian BSs are convergent in meaning with over 81% of the compared British BSs. Consequently, they are likely to be generalizable to other subareas of the Canadian public sector. The 8% of nonconvergent Canadian BSs and their respective underpinning CIs contain no content that could be construed as being context‐specific to the Canadian public utility sector. Implications of these study findings for HRD research and practice are discussed.



这项研究主要是响应对特定公共管理和公共行政相关研究的众多呼吁,以更好地了解当前在日益复杂和模棱两可的世界中进行的公共领导。它还响应了人力资源开发(HRD)文献中有关定性管理行为研究的呼吁。该调查探索了在行为上将有效经理与无效经理区分开的看法,如加拿大一家公用事业公司中的经理和非管理人员所表达的。通过将结果与在英国公共部门的三个子区域进行的同等定性管理行为研究的结果进行比较,可以得出结论。使用关键事件技术(CIT),从经理和非管理人员那里收集了观察到的管理行为的具体示例(严重事件[CI])。CI(n = 530)进行了开放轴向编码,以识别较少数量的离散行为类别(BS)。识别出的BS的选择性编码(n = 99)导致推论出16个阳性(有效)和12个阴性(无效)行为标准。超过92%的加拿大BS的意思是趋同的,而相比之下,英国的BS则超过81%。因此,它们很可能会推广到加拿大公共部门的其他子区域。8%的加拿大非融合BS及其各自的基础配置项不包含任何内容,这些内容都可以视情况而定到加拿大公共事业部门。讨论了这些研究结果对HRD研究和实践的意义。