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Courage in childhood: Classifying the actions of courage performed by elementary school students
European Journal of Developmental Psychology ( IF 1.807 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-17 , DOI: 10.1080/17405629.2020.1822161
Sara Santilli 1 , Maria Cristina Ginevra 1 , Elisabetta Camussi 2 , Ernesto Lodi 3 , Laura Nota 1 , Patrizia Patrizi 3


The study is aimed at exploring, through lexical analysis, the courageous actions performed by elementary school students. Five hundred ninety-two Italian children were interviewed about the most courageous action that they had ever performed during their life. Exploratory cluster analysis with Iramuteq was run to analyse the children’s answers and four clusters were found. The first cluster referred to actions performed with physical risks (physical courage). The second cluster referred to actions to protect or defend others, especially peers, in difficult and unpleasant social situations (moral courage). The third cluster referred to courageous actions in dealing with threats concerning personal well-being (psychological courage) and the fourth cluster referred to physically and psychologically courageous actions. Gender differences were found for the first and third cluster with girls reporting more physical courage and boys more psychological courage. The study has important implications for research and practice.




该研究旨在通过词汇分析探索小学生的勇敢行为。五百九十二名意大利儿童接受了采访,讲述了他们一生中做过的最勇敢的行动。使用 Iramuteq 进行探索性聚类分析以分析儿童的答案,发现了四个聚类。第一个集群指的是冒着身体风险(身体勇气)进行的行动。第二组指的是在困难和不愉快的社交情况下保护或捍卫他人,尤其是同龄人的行动(道德勇气)。第三组指的是在处理有关个人福祉的威胁(心理勇气)时的勇敢行动,第四组指的是身体和心理上的勇敢行动。在第一组和第三组中发现了性别差异,女孩报告了更多的身体勇气,男孩报告了更多的心理勇气。该研究对研究和实践具有重要意义。
