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Moving toward decoloniality in short-term study abroad under New Colombo: constructing global citizenship
British Journal of Sociology of Education ( IF 1.841 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-23 , DOI: 10.1080/01425692.2020.1822152
Sam Schulz 1 , Deborah Agnew


This paper focuses on an Australian university short-term study abroad programme in India part-funded by the Australian Government New Colombo Plan – an initiative that facilitates transformative people-to-people encounters. Our chief interest is extending our reach, through photo diaries and interviews, to understand how participants’ experiences are transformative, how their knowledge production practices contribute towards constructions of global citizenship, and where opportunities to shape future participants’ learning may exist. We explore decolonial possibilities for short-term study abroad under New Colombo, contextualising our inquiries historically while exploring the concepts of global citizenship and decoloniality – ideas that provide a framework for analysis. Although short-term ventures are problematic for enabling two-way benefits, we contemplate how such programmes may still offer space for moving toward decoloniality.




本文重点研究由澳大利亚政府新科伦坡计划部分资助的澳大利亚印度大学在印度短期留学计划,该计划旨在促进人们之间的变革性交流。我们的主要兴趣是通过写日记和采访来扩大我们的影响力,以了解参与者的经历是如何变革的,他们的知识生产实践如何为全球公民的建设做出贡献,以及在何处可以塑造未来参与者的学习机会。我们探索在新科伦坡(New Colombo)下短期留学的殖民化可能性,并在探索全球公民权和殖民主义概念的同时,结合我们的查询历史,这些思想为分析提供了框架。尽管短期冒险在实现双向收益方面存在问题,
