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Social-emotional health in higher education: a psychometric evaluation with Turkish students
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling ( IF 1.125 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-07 , DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2020.1789554
Gökmen Arslan 1 , Kelly-Ann Allen 2 , Bülent Baki Telef 3 , Heather Craig 4


The present study investigated the utility and validity of the Social Emotional Health Survey-Higher Education (SEHS-HE) among Turkish students (N = 345) in higher education. Confirmatory factor analysis found acceptable data-model fit statistics for a priori SEHS-HE latent measurement models and its second-order covitality latent construct. The covitality latent construct was associated with higher levels of mental wellbeing, higher academic achievement, and lower levels of psychological symptoms. Findings provided preliminary evidence supporting the use of the SEHS-HE to measure Turkish university students' social-emotional strengths. Research is needed to further evaluate how the SEHS-HE can be used to inform prevention and intervention services on university campuses that aim to improve students' social, emotional, and mental health and wellbeing.




本研究调查了土耳其高等教育学生 ( N  = 345)社会情绪健康调查-高等教育 (SEHS-HE) 的效用和有效性。验证性因素分析发现先验SEHS -HE 潜在测量模型及其二阶共生性可接受的数据模型拟合统计潜在构造。共生性潜在结构与更高水平的心理健康、更高的学业成绩和更低水平的心理症状相关。调查结果提供了初步证据,支持使用 SEHS-HE 衡量土耳其大学生的社交情感优势。需要进行研究以进一步评估 SEHS-HE 如何用于为大学校园的预防和干预服务提供信息,以改善学生的社交、情感和心理健康和福祉。
