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Complex Basement‐Involved Contractional Structures in the Pre‐Andean Basins of Northern Chile: A Review From Seismic Data
Tectonics ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-19 , DOI: 10.1029/2020tc006433
F. Martínez 1 , B. Muñoz 1 , C. López 1 , R. González 1 , M. Parra 2 , R. Riquelme 1

For many years, the geometry, kinematic, and the age of the basement‐involved structures of the Pre‐Andean basins of northern Chile have been debated. Even, many tectonic models supported by surface geological data have ignored how is the continuity of these structures in the subsurface, and also their possible relation with ancient preorogenic structures, thus difficulting the understanding of the main tectonic mechanisms that acted during the Andean uplift. To solve this problem, we discussed in this study the geometry and timing of the basement‐involved contractional structures present in the Pre‐Andean basins of northern Chile. We present field and seismic evidences of different basement‐involved structural styles, including reverse faults, inverted normal faults, basement thrust ramps, and rotated and reworked basin margins, and use it them to produce three large structural cross‐sections showing the geometries and distribution of structures along the inner forearc region. The structures are interpreted to have resulted from basin inversion, which was followed by large reverse faulting accumulating 43 km in the Salar de Atacama, 10 km in the Salar de Punta Negra, and 27 km in the Salar de Pedernales. Major reverse faults are predominantly located along the western and eastern edges of the basins, whereas inverted normal faults, basement thrust ramps, and other structures are confined to the central sections. In this context, large basement thrust ramps and reverse faults are the most effective structures for generating crustal thickening. Previous analyses (U‐Pb dating) of synorogenic deposits over inverted structures and apatite fission track data from Paleozoic basement prerift rocks suggest that contraction in the region began in the Late Cretaceous‐Paleocene and continued throughout the Cenozoic; however, basement rocks experienced rapid cooling due to tectonic uplift during the Eocene. Further, the results indicate that basement‐involved contractional structures are not only generated by flat‐slab subduction processes, but also observed in other regions of northern Chile (e.g., Frontal Cordillera). Finally, we conclude that the observed structural complexity predominantly results from the initial distribution of preorogenic extensional structures.



多年来,智利北部安第斯山脉前盆地涉及地下的结构的几何学,运动学和年龄一直存在争议。甚至,许多由地表地质数据支持的构造模型都忽略了这些结构在地下的连续性,以及它们与古老的前造山构造的可能关系,从而使人们难以理解安第斯隆升过程中作用的主要构造机制。为了解决这个问题,我们在本研究中讨论了智利北部前安第斯盆地中存在的地下室相关收缩结构的几何形状和时间。我们提供了不同地下构造类型的野外和地震证据,包括反向断层,倒转正断层,基底冲断坡道以及旋转和返工的盆地边缘,并用它们产生三个大的结构横截面,显示出前臂内侧区域的几何结构和分布。构造被解释为是由盆地倒转造成的,随后是大型逆向断裂,在阿塔卡马(Salar de Atacama)堆积了43公里,在蓬塔内格拉(Salar de Punta Negra)堆积了10公里,在Pelarnales萨拉尔(Salar de Pedernales)堆积了27公里。主要的逆断层主要分布在盆地的西部和东部边缘,而倒转的正断层,基底逆冲斜坡和其他结构则局限于中部。在这种情况下,大的基底推力斜坡和逆断层是产生地壳增厚的最有效结构。先前对倒生构造上的成因沉积物的分析(U-Pb测年)和古生代基底预裂岩的磷灰石裂变径迹数据表明,该区域的收缩始于白垩纪-古新世晚期,并贯穿整个新生代。然而,由于始新世期间构造隆升,基底岩石经历了快速冷却。此外,结果表明,地下室相关的收缩结构不仅是由平板俯冲过程产生的,而且在智利北部的其他地区(如额叶山脉)也观察到了。最后,我们得出结论,观察到的结构复杂性主要是由造山前扩张构造的初始分布引起的。