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Flood prevention in Serbia and legal challenges in obtaining the land for flood risk management
Environmental Science & Policy ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2020.11.007
Sofija Nikolić Popadić

Abstract Serbia suffered severe flood events in May 2014, which affected 1.6 million people. The Government declared a state of emergency for the territory of the whole country. The total value of the disaster was 1.7 billion Euros. Traditional flood protection measures proved to be insufficient in that extreme flood event, which raised the question of a greater change towards active flood protection measures. Their implementation can require new legal solutions and changes in existing legislation. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze whether existing legal regulations in Serbia in this field provide an adequate basis for the implementation of new flood risk management measures, or some changes are needed. As nature-based solutions require larger areas of land, the question of how that land could be obtained arose. In that regard, pre-emption right and expropriation as possible instruments for acquiring the land were analyzed. It was concluded that they are not suitable and that other solutions should be found. The results of the research showed that there is a necessity for new legislation, especially regarding water storage on private land, as legal lacunae was detected in this field. The paper gives the basis and directions for solving this legal, and consequently practical problem.



摘要 塞尔维亚在 2014 年 5 月遭受了严重的洪水事件,影响了 160 万人。政府宣布全国进入紧急状态。这场灾难的总价值为17亿欧元。在那次极端洪水事件中,传统的防洪措施被证明是不够的,这就提出了向积极的防洪措施更大转变的问题。它们的实施可能需要新的法律解决方案和现有立法的改变。因此,有必要分析塞尔维亚在该领域现有的法律法规是否为实施新的洪水风险管理措施提供了充分的依据,或者是否需要做出一些改变。由于基于自然的解决方案需要更大面积的土地,因此出现了如何获得土地的问题。在这方面,对优先购买权和征收作为获取土地的可能手段进行了分析。得出的结论是它们不合适,应该找到其他解决方案。研究结果表明,有必要制定新的立法,特别是关于私人土地上的蓄水,因为在该领域发现了法律漏洞。本文给出了解决这一法律问题和实际问题的基础和方向。