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Symposium Foreword: Rights-Based Approaches to Climate Change
Transnational Environmental Law ( IF 3.925 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-23 , DOI: 10.1017/s2047102518000067
Sam Adelman , Bridget Lewis

The severe impacts of climate change on human rights are increasingly evident as climate-related harms such as tropical storms, forest fires, and desertification intensify. As understanding of the causes and effects of climate change has improved, so too has recognition of the injustices inherent in anthropogenic global warming. Climate injustices are compounded by the fact that those individuals and groups most vulnerable to climatic harm are most likely to have fewest financial resources and lowest adaptive capacities, and are least responsible for the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that have caused the problem. Campaigners and litigants are increasingly looking to human rights principles and law to protect victims – both current and future – against the negative impacts of climate change and to promote climate justice.1 Anthropogenic climate change threatens all human rights to a greater or lesser extent. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that its impacts will be ‘severe, pervasive and irreversible’.2 The right to life is threatened by systemic risks arising from extreme weather events that undermine infrastructure and critical services such as electricity, water supply, and health services. The right to health will be undermined by increased risks from food-, water- and vector-borne diseases. Injuries, diseases and deaths will increase as a result of more intense storms, heatwaves and forest fires, and malnutrition from diminished food production is likely to increase in poor regions.



随着热带风暴、森林火灾和荒漠化等气候相关危害的加剧,气候变化对人权的严重影响越来越明显。随着对气候变化原因和影响的理解有所提高,对人为全球变暖所固有的不公正现象的认识也有所提高。由于最容易受到气候损害的个人和群体最有可能拥有最少的财政资源和最低的适应能力,并且对造成问题的温室气体 (GHG) 排放的责任最小,这加剧了气候不公正。活动家和诉讼当事人越来越多地寻求人权原则和法律来保护当前和未来的受害者免受气候变化的负面影响并促进气候正义。1 人为气候变化或多或少威胁到所有人权。政府间气候变化专门委员会 (IPCC) 警告说,其影响将是“严重、普遍和不可逆转的”。 2 极端天气事件引发的系统性风险威胁着生命权,这些风险破坏了基础设施和电力、供水等关键服务和卫生服务。健康权将因食源性、水源性和病媒传播疾病的风险增加而受到损害。由于更猛烈的风暴、热浪和森林火灾,伤害、疾病和死亡人数将增加,而贫困地区粮食减产造成的营养不良可能会增加。2 生命权受到由破坏基础设施和关键服务(如电力、供水和卫生服务)的极端天气事件引起的系统性风险的威胁。健康权将因食源性、水源性和病媒传播疾病的风险增加而受到损害。由于更猛烈的风暴、热浪和森林火灾,伤害、疾病和死亡人数将增加,而贫困地区粮食减产造成的营养不良可能会增加。2 生命权受到由破坏基础设施和关键服务(如电力、供水和卫生服务)的极端天气事件引起的系统性风险的威胁。健康权将因食源性、水源性和病媒传播疾病的风险增加而受到损害。由于更猛烈的风暴、热浪和森林火灾,伤害、疾病和死亡人数将增加,而贫困地区粮食减产造成的营养不良可能会增加。