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Book Review: Pressure Cooker: Why Home Cooking Won’t Solve Our Problems and What We Can Do About It
Teaching Sociology ( IF 1.860 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-07 , DOI: 10.1177/0092055x20910197
Cristen Dalessandro 1

someone has privilege because this gives them space and time to think. Crystal Manor symbolizes unlimited time and resources to allow the imagination to bloom and even says so in the welcome letter Peyton reads upon arrival. Leavy may wish to help us all find spaces of imaginative privilege in our own lives, however unlikely those pathways to creativity might seem to others. I also remain unsure of how much diversity the central cast includes. Admittedly, this may be as much a strength as a weakness. Leavy writes many of the characters somewhat generically, perhaps looking toward a broad audience that may differ dramatically across place and space. The novel includes more cognitive diversity than social and economic diversity; indeed, Leavy does this well. I liked seeing how characters with “divergent” minds often became the heroes of the day, like Milton figuring out why Ronnie got sick repeatedly while staying at Crystal Manor. So, the broad nature of many of the characterizations may contribute to the central point of the book, which cautions against making assumptions and encourages asking questions instead. In that spirit, instructors could create a classroom exercise wherein each student describes a character from the book, then compares their descriptions to see how they converge and diverge. Diversity is also admittedly a social construction, as is the notion of common ground—another point illustrated aptly by Leavy. I appreciated Ronnie’s commentary about Peyton making it to the top of the waterfall and Peyton’s ensuing idea that perhaps common ground can be created where it does not already seem to exist. Dividing ourselves always involves choice; this important underlying message of the narrative seems especially important to remember in the current U.S. political climate. Likewise, Leavy subtly reminds us that we as instructors can always create spaces that welcome people in when we intentionally strive for this. Overall, Spark hits the mark as both an engaging character-driven story and a useful pedagogical tool. With this novel, Leavy taps into something universally human—the quest for excitement—and also the essence of doing sociology in any setting. The book also adeptly illustrates the intangible concept of thinking “highdeeply” (Saldaña 2014) and the importance of reflecting on cognition itself to figure out the best ways to approach particular tasks. Instructors could thus use this text for anything from a research methods class (qualitative data gathering and content analysis skills) to a clinical social work class (analyzing people and figuring out their motivations) to a writing course (crafting an effective mystery while creating broadly appealing characters). In any application, Spark offers an excellent learning resource because it both demonstrates and celebrates how intellectual activity can be exhilarating and life changing.



有人享有特权,因为这给了他们思考的空间和时间。水晶庄园象征着无限的时间和资源,让想象力绽放,甚至在佩顿抵达时读到的欢迎信中也这么说。利维可能希望帮助我们所有人在自己的生活中找到富有想象力的特权空间,无论在其他人看来,这些通往创造力的途径似乎不太可能。我也不确定中央演员包括多少多样性。诚然,这可能是一种优势,也可能是一种弱点。利维写的许多角色都有些笼统,也许是面向广泛的观众,这些观众可能因地点和空间而异。小说包含比社会和经济多样性更多的认知多样性;确实,Leav 在这方面做得很好。我喜欢看到具有“不同”思想的角色如何成为当时的英雄,就像米尔顿弄清楚为什么罗尼在水晶庄园逗留期间反复生病的原因。因此,许多特征的广泛性质可能有助于本书的中心点,它警告不要做出假设并鼓励提出问题。本着这种精神,教师可以创建一个课堂练习,让每个学生描述书中的一个角色,然后比较他们的描述,看看他们如何收敛和发散。众所周知,多样性也是一种社会建构,就像共同点的概念一样——利维恰当地说明了另一点。我很欣赏 Ronnie 关于 Peyton 登上瀑布顶端的评论,以及 Peyton 随之而来的想法,即也许可以在似乎不存在的地方建立共同点。分裂自己总是涉及选择;在当前的美国政治气候中,这一重要的叙事信息似乎尤其重要。同样,Leavy 巧妙地提醒我们,作为讲师,当我们有意识地为此努力时,我们总是可以创造欢迎人们进入的空间。总的来说,Spark 既是一个引人入胜的角色驱动故事,又是一个有用的教学工具。在这部小说中,利维深入探讨了人类普遍存在的东西——对兴奋的追求——以及在任何环境下研究社会学的本质。这本书还巧妙地说明了“高度”思考的无形概念(Saldaña 2014)以及反思认知本身以找出处理特定任务的最佳方法的重要性。因此,教师可以将本书用于任何事情,从研究方法课程(定性数据收集和内容分析技能)到临床社会工作课程(分析人并找出他们的动机)到写作课程(制作一个有效的谜团,同时创造具有广泛吸引力的人物)。在任何应用程序中,Spark 都提供了极好的学习资源,因为它既展示了智力活动如何令人振奋,又如何改变生活。