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Towards an Ubuntu Philosophy of Higher Education in Africa
Studies in Philosophy and Education ( IF 1.629 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s11217-020-09709-w
Yusef Waghid

African philosophy of higher education and its concomitant link to teaching and learning on the continent, is a concept that remains contestable, as much about African thought and practice is presumed to exist in narrative form. However, even if African thought and practice were to have existed in narrative form only, it would not necessarily be justifiable to dismiss an idea of African philosophy of higher education as seminal works by leading African scholars over the last few decades corroborate the significance of higher education in Africa. In this article, I attempt to offer an account of African philosophy of higher education, in particular teaching and learning, underscored by a notion of ubuntu—human interdependence and humaneness—on the grounds that such a view of African thought and practice is constituted by meanings that could engender a credible defense of higher education in Africa. From my analysis of the concept ubuntu, practices such as social responsibility, deliberative engagement, and an attentiveness to others and otherness seem to be most salient in enacting a reconsidered view of African higher education.


走向非洲高等教育的 Ubuntu 哲学

非洲高等教育哲学及其与非洲大陆教学和学习的相关联系,是一个仍然存在争议的概念,因为非洲的思想和实践被假定以叙事形式存在。然而,即使非洲思想和实践仅以叙事形式存在,也不一定有理由将非洲高等教育哲学的观点视为过去几十年非洲主要学者的开创性著作证实了高等教育的重要性。非洲的教育。在这篇文章中,我试图介绍非洲的高等教育哲学,特别是教学和学习,ubuntu 的概念——人类相互依存和人性化——强调了这一点,因为这种对非洲思想和实践的看法是由可能产生对非洲高等教育的可信防御的意义构成的。从我对 ubuntu 概念的分析来看,社会责任、审慎参与以及对他人和他者的关注等实践似乎在重新考虑非洲高等教育的观点方面最为突出。