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Radical transformation and a reading of the right to development in the South African constitutional order
South African Journal on Human Rights ( IF 0.806 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02587203.2019.1586155
Carol Chi Ngang 1

Abstract In this article, I explore the quest for radical transformation in South Africa in relation to the constitutional promise to ‘[i]mprove the quality of life of all citizens and free the potential of each person’ and also in relation to the right to development guaranteed by the African Charter, which South Africa ratified in 1996. The preamble to the African Charter emphasises the need for states parties to ‘pay particular attention to the right to development’. In accordance with the obligation to ‘adopt legislative and other measures to give effect’ to the provisions of the Charter, South Africa commits, among others, to make the right to development a reality at the national level. It means that in formulating domestic laws and national development policies, South Africa is obligated to ensure that implementation of the right to development is effectively guaranteed. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, however, does not make mention of the right to development. The starting point for the discussion in this article obtains from the argument put forth by Gutto that the right to development is implied in the South African constitutional order. The question is whether, besides the continuum of human rights enshrined in the Constitution, the right to development could be of relevance in fulfilling the promise for radical transformation? In responding to this question, I illustrate that there is a legally recognised human right to development that, by its nature, constitutes a tool for policy-making and thus provides an effective model for radical transformation in South Africa.



摘要 在本文中,我探讨了南非在宪法承诺“[i]提高所有公民的生活质量和释放每个人的潜力”方面的激进变革的探索以及与权利的关系。南非于 1996 年批准的《非洲宪章》保证了发展。《非洲宪章》的序言强调了缔约国“特别关注发展权”的必要性。根据“通过立法和其他措施实施”宪章条款的义务,南非承诺,除其他外,使发展权在国家层面成为现实。这意味着在制定国内法律和国家发展政策时,南非有义务确保发展权的落实得到有效保障。然而,1996 年南非共和国宪法并未提及发展权。本文讨论的出发点来自 Gutto 提出的论点,即发展权隐含在南非宪法秩序中。问题是,除了宪法所规定的人权的连续性之外,发展权是否与实现彻底变革的承诺有关?在回答这个问题时,我说明了一项法律承认的发展人权,它的性质构成了决策的工具,从而为南非的激进转型提供了一个有效的模式。