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The monolingual problem of computer-assisted language learning
ReCALL ( IF 4.235 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s095834402000004x
Judith Buendgens-Kosten

This paper sets out to discuss the monolingual problem within computer-assisted language learning (CALL) research and CALL product development, namely a lack of knowledge about how CALL products and projects can support learners in using all their linguistic resources to achieve language-learning- and language-using-related goals, and a lack of CALL products and projects that realize this potential, or that support specific plurilingual skill development. It uses an analysis of CALL-related papers to demonstrate how far CALL is impacted by a monolingual bias that it inherited from language learning pedagogy. An analysis of articles from four CALL journals across 10 years shows that although the words bilingual and multilingual appear in these journals fairly regularly, terms such as plurilingual, third language, tertiary language, L3, translanguaging, and translingual are extremely rare. Also, only eight articles could be identified that use any of these eight keywords in their title. Trends across those papers are identified. In a discussion of existing CALL products and projects that incorporate more than one language, it is argued that while commercial products often include more than one language, this is frequently in a behaviorist or grammar-translation tradition, while innovative plurilingual products and projects tend to be non-commercial and often EU/EC-funded initiatives. The article argues that CALL research and product development can not only avoid this monolingual bias, but also actively contribute to our knowledge of how all linguistic resources can be used for language learning. It makes suggestions for relevant future research areas related to multilingual computer-assisted language learning (MCALL).



本文旨在讨论计算机辅助语言学习 (CALL) 研究和 CALL 产品开发中的单语问题,即缺乏关于 CALL 产品和项目如何支持学习者使用其所有语言资源实现语言学习的知识。和语言使用相关的目标,以及缺乏实现这一潜力或支持特定多语言技能发展的 CALL 产品和项目。它使用对 CALL 相关论文的分析来证明 CALL 受到从语言学习教学法中继承的单语偏见的影响程度。对四个 CALL 期刊 10 年的文章的分析表明,尽管这些词双语多种语言相当频繁地出现在这些期刊中,诸如多语种,第三语言,第三语言,L3,跨语言, 和跨语言非常罕见。此外,只能识别出在其标题中使用这八个关键字中的任何一个的八篇文章。确定了这些论文的趋势。在讨论包含一种以上语言的现有 CALL 产品和项目时,有人认为,虽然商业产品通常包含一种以上的语言,但这通常属于行为主义或语法翻译传统,而创新的多语种产品和项目倾向于是非商业的,通常是欧盟/欧共体资助的举措。文章认为,CALL 研究和产品开发不仅可以避免这种单语偏见,而且还可以积极地促进我们了解所有语言资源如何用于语言学习。