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A changing world of work. What can we learn from the service sector about employing Millennials (and Gen Z)?
Organizational Dynamics ( IF 1.133 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.orgdyn.2019.04.001
Tom Baum

In this paper, we consider the experience of what we might call the millennial or Gen Z ‘frontline’, the sectors of the economy that absorbs by far the largest number of young people as the location of their first job experience. We consider what lessons the experience of frontline service work (FLSW) can give other sectors who employ millennials and their successors into the workplace, Gen Z and propose ways forward based on these lessons.


不断变化的工作世界。关于雇佣千禧一代(和 Z 世代),我们可以从服务业学到什么?

在本文中,我们考虑了我们可能称之为千禧一代或 Z 世代“前线”的经历,这些经济部门目前吸收了最多的年轻人作为他们第一份工作经历的所在地。我们考虑前线服务工作 (FLSW) 的经验可以为雇用千禧一代及其继任者的其他部门、Z 世代提供哪些经验教训,并根据这些经验教训提出前进的道路。