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Academic Habitus and Institutional Change: Comparing Two Generations of German Scholars
Minerva ( IF 2.356 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s11024-019-09370-9
Hildegard Matthies , Marc Torka

Since the 1980s scholars have been increasingly confronted with expectations to orient themselves toward societal and economic priorities. This normative demand for societal responsiveness is inscribed in discourses aimed at increasing the usefulness, competitiveness, and control of academia. New performance criteria, funding conditions, and organizational forms are central drivers of this debate – thereby, they change the conditions in which scholars conduct research and advance their careers. However, little is known so far about the impact these institutional changes have on the habitus of academics. This article analyzes how stable and consistent habitus formations among academics turn out to be in the course of institutional changes. We compare the habitus formations of two generations of German scholars before and after institutional changes gained pace in Germany. Three distinct habitus formations can be identified, which we refer to as “self-fulfilling,” “self-surpassing,” and “self-asserting.” These habitus formations hold across the two generations, but the lines between them become blurry in the new generation.



自 1980 年代以来,学者们越来越面临着将自己定位于社会和经济优先事项的期望。这种对社会反应性的规范性要求体现在旨在提高学术界的实用性、竞争力和控制力的话语中。新的绩效标准、资助条件和组织形式是这场辩论的核心驱动力——因此,它们改变了学者进行研究和促进职业发展的条件。然而,到目前为止,人们对这些制度变化对学术习惯的影响知之甚少。本文分析了在制度变迁过程中学者之间稳定和一致的惯习形成是如何形成的。我们比较了德国制度变革步伐加快前后两代德国学者的惯习形成。可以确定三种不同的习惯形成,我们将其称为“自我实现”、“自我超越”和“自我主张”。这些习性形成贯穿两代人,但在新一代中,它们之间的界限变得模糊。