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Organizational Resilience for a New Normal: Balancing the Paradox of Global Interdependence
Management and Organization Review ( IF 3.776 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-30 , DOI: 10.1017/mor.2020.30
Peter Ping Li

The two factors are interrelated with the former as the primary and the latter as the secondary concerning the vulnerability of global interdependence Since the positive side of global interdependence is well-known, we focus on the ignored dark side as rooted not much in the magnitude of global interdependence, but primarily in its current form or pattern [ ]we call for a renewed debate over the diverse versions of capitalism, especially the balance between opposite features of multiple versions (Witt & Jackson, 2016;also see Redding, 2020;Zhou, 2020) [ ]we also need to shift from overconcentration of global supply in one location (often rooted in tight coupling) to diversified sources, at both national and organizational levels [ ]Toyota proactively manages the risks to the entire system if any node in the supply network fails



关于全球相互依存的脆弱性,这两个因素相互关联,前者是主要因素,后者是次要因素。由于全球相互依存的积极方面是众所周知的,因此我们将重点放在被忽略的黑暗方面,因为其根源不多全球相互依存关系,但主要以其当前形式或模式[],我们需要就资本主义的多种形式,尤其是多种形式的相对特征之间的平衡进行新的辩论(Witt&Jackson,2016;另见Redding,2020; Zhou, [2020年] []我们还需要从一个地方的全球供应过分集中(通常植根于紧密耦合)到国家和组织层面的多样化来源[]如果丰田的任何节点在全球范围内积极管理整个系统的风险,供应网络故障