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Simultaneity and the refusal to choose: The semiotics of Serbian youth identity on Facebook
Language in Society ( IF 2.392 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-16 , DOI: 10.1017/s004740451900099x
Rachel George

Although the importance of linguistic simultaneity has long been recognized (Woolard 1998), the concept is underexamined in recent analyses of language use in globalized, digital contexts such as social media. Drawing from an analysis of everyday Facebook posts from youth in Belgrade, Serbia, the article proposes that recognizing four types of simultaneity—of linguistic features, indexical operations, effects, and scale—is key for making sense of social media utterances in political and historical context. On Facebook, Serbian youth mix languages and writing systems in complex ways, adhering to dominant ideologies of language and identity in some ways and flouting them in others. Using the Serbian case as a springboard, along with the four types of simultaneity proposed, I suggest a framework for analyzing language and identity on social media. (Serbia, indexicality, simultaneity, social media, superdiversity, bivalency, youth)*



尽管语言同时性的重要性早已得到认可(Woolard 1998),但在最近对社交媒体等全球化数字环境中语言使用的分析中,这一概念并未得到充分检验。通过对塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德年轻人的日常 Facebook 帖子的分析,该文章提出识别四种类型的同时性——语言特征、索引操作、效果和规模——是理解政治和历史中社交媒体话语意义的关键语境。在 Facebook 上,塞尔维亚青年以复杂的方式混合语言和书写系统,在某些方面坚持主流的语言和身份意识形态,而在其他方面则蔑视它们。以塞尔维亚案例为跳板,连同所提出的四种同时性,我提出了一个分析社交媒体上的语言和身份的框架。