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Teaching Note—Drawn Together: Collaboration Between Social Work and Education to Address Family Trauma
Journal of Social Work Education ( IF 1.784 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2020.1764890
Qiana R. Cryer-Coupet , Angela M. Wiseman , Ashley A. Atkinson , Stephen Gibson , Ann M. Hoo


In the past few decades, scholars and practitioners have given increasing attention to the experiences of families affected by trauma related to substance use, homelessness, and incarceration. As parents seek to restore and maintain parental bonds during traumatic separations and transitions, interdisciplinary family literacy interventions can be impactful. Given their shared interests, social workers and educators are uniquely positioned to work with community-based stakeholders to implement trauma-informed interventions. Research suggests that MSW graduates do not feel confident in their ability to demonstrate clinical competencies related to assessing substance use, implementing family interventions, and engaging in interdisciplinary teamwork. This teaching note describes the implementation of a trauma-informed family literacy intervention and explores ways to use this model in an interdisciplinary social work and education course.




在过去的几十年里,学者和从业者越来越关注受与物质使用、无家可归和监禁相关的创伤影响的家庭的经历。当父母在创伤性分离和过渡期间寻求恢复和维持父母的联系时,跨学科的家庭扫盲干预可能会产生影响。鉴于他们的共同利益,社会工作者和教育工作者处于独特的地位,可以与社区利益相关者合作实施创伤知情干预。研究表明,MSW 毕业生对他们展示与评估物质使用、实施家庭干预和参与跨学科团队合作相关的临床能力的能力没有信心。
