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Challenging Native Speakerism in Literacy Research and Education
Journal of Literacy Research ( IF 2.551 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-16 , DOI: 10.1177/1086296x20939558
Grace MyHyun Kim 1

Scholars have examined the myth of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) as model minorities in education and specifically within mathematics education, yet less is known about how this myth reveals an intersection of race and language that shapes the experiences of AAPIs in the literacy field. In this article, I argue that a monolingual model rooted in nativist ideologies of English is part and parcel of AAPIs’ racialization as model minorities and forever foreigners. Drawing from AAPI and literacy studies as well as autoethnographic insights, I further argue that the positioning of AAPIs in literacy research illustrates its Eurocentric legacy. This Insights article seeks to raise awareness of a racialized native speaker ethos of literacy research and education, and to call for more literacy research on AAPIs—an invisible minority within the field. Implications include expanding notions of literacy with varied and global perspectives through more research with and from multilingual nondominant communities.



学者们研究了亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民 (AAPIs) 作为教育领域模范少数族裔的神话,特别是在数学教育中,但人们对这个神话如何揭示种族和语言的交集影响 AAPIs 在识字领域的经验知之甚少. 在本文中,我认为植根于英语本土主义意识形态的单语模式是 AAPI 种族化的重要组成部分,成为模范少数民族和永远的外国人。借鉴 AAPI 和识字研究以及自民族志洞察力,我进一步认为 AAPI 在识字研究中的定位说明了其以欧洲为中心的遗产。这篇见解文章旨在提高人们对扫盲研究和教育的种族化母语精神的认识,并呼吁对 AAPI 进行更多的扫盲研究——该领域内的一个隐形少数。含义包括通过与多语言非主导社区进行更多研究,以不同和全球视角扩展识字概念。