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Reactions of Arab-Palestinians in Israel Toward an In-group Member: Mixing Hebrew or English With Arabic
Journal of Language and Social Psychology ( IF 2.098 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1177/0261927x20933657
Yechiel Klar 1 , Abed Al-Rahman Mar’i 2 , Slieman Halabi 3, 4 , Ameer Basheer 1 , Bashir Basheer 1

Code-mixing with a dominant language can appeal to members of linguistic minorities because it signals bilingual proficiency, modernity, and social mobility. However, it can also pose a threat to the minority’s group vitality and distinctiveness. In Study 1 (N = 208), Palestinian citizens of Israel (a linguistic and national minority) listened to a recorded message by a fellow group member, either in pure Arabic or in Arabic mixed with Hebrew or English. Code-mixing elicited negative evaluations. In Study 2 (N = 276), Arabic mixed with Hebrew was crossed with messages on the relations with the Jewish–Israeli majority. Speakers who advocated full independence from the majority or an impartial view, but expressed linguistic dependency on Hebrew through code-mixing lost credit. Identification with the national group affected the effects in both studies. The implications of code-mixing for identity-related processes and its potential use as a social barometer for intergroup relations are discussed.



与主导语言的代码混合可以吸引语言少数群体的成员,因为它标志着双语能力、现代性和社会流动性。然而,它也可能对少数民族的群体活力和独特性构成威胁。在研究 1 (N = 208) 中,以色列的巴勒斯坦公民(语言和少数民族)收听了一个小组成员的录音信息,无论是纯阿拉伯语还是阿拉伯语混合希伯来语或英语。代码混合引发了负面评价。在研究 2 (N = 276) 中,阿拉伯语与希伯来语的混合与关于与犹太人-以色列占多数的关系的信息交叉。主张完全独立于多数或公正观点,但通过混合代码表达对希伯来语的语言依赖的演讲者失去了信誉。对民族群体的认同影响了两项研究的效果。讨论了代码混合对身份相关过程的影响及其作为群体间关系的社会晴雨表的潜在用途。