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Rebalancing European Human Rights: Has the Brighton Declaration Engendered a New Deal on Human Rights in Europe?
Journal of International Dispute Settlement ( IF 0.982 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-30 , DOI: 10.1093/jnlids/idx016
Mikael Rask Madsen

Has the Brighton Declaration produced a New Deal on European human rights in terms of engendering a new and more central role to national legal and political institutions? A greater subsidiarity? Against the backdrop of a systematic exploration of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), the articles concludes that the ECtHR is indeed providing more subsidiarity following the Brighton Declaration. It does so by a greater use of the terms “margin of appreciation” and “wide(r) margin,” and particularly with regard to two areas of law: Art. 8 on the right to privacy and Art. 35 on access to the Court. However, as the article further demonstrates, this increase in subsidiarity is very uneven across the member states. The old Western member states generally benefit far more from these new directions in the ECtHR’s jurisprudence. But contrary to popular belief, vocal critiques of the system are not given more deference according to this analysis. A final more general conclusion follows from these findings, namely that the ECtHR is receptive to political signals and does not operate in isolation from politics as it is often claimed. Although currently merely soft law documents, the Brighton Declaration and associated Protocols have triggered change at the Court in the direction set out in these documents and events. This has theoretical implications for the understanding of the evolution of international courts.



就为国家法律和政治机构赋予新的、更核心的作用而言,《布莱顿宣言》是否产生了一项关于欧洲人权的新政?更大的子公司?在对欧洲人权法院 (ECtHR) 判例法进行系统探索的背景下,文章得出的结论是,在《布莱顿宣言》之后,欧洲人权法院确实提供了更多的辅助性。它通过更多地使用术语“升值幅度”和“宽(r)幅度”来实现这一点,特别是在两个法律领域:艺术。8 关于隐私权和艺术。35 关于进入法院。然而,正如文章进一步表明的那样,这种附属性的增加在成员国之间非常不均衡。旧的西方成员国通常从 ECtHR 判例中的这些新方向中受益更多。但与流行的看法相反,根据这种分析,对系统的声音批评并没有得到更多尊重。从这些调查结果得出最后一个更普遍的结论,即 ECtHR 能够接受政治信号,并且不会像人们经常声称的那样脱离政治运作。尽管目前只是软性法律文件,但布莱顿宣言和相关议定书已促使法院朝着这些文件和事件中规定的方向进行变革。这对于理解国际法院的演变具有理论意义。即 ECtHR 能够接受政治信号,并且不会像人们经常声称的那样脱离政治运作。尽管目前只是软性法律文件,但布莱顿宣言和相关议定书已促使法院朝着这些文件和事件中规定的方向进行变革。这对于理解国际法院的演变具有理论意义。即 ECtHR 能够接受政治信号,并且不会像人们经常声称的那样脱离政治运作。尽管目前只是软性法律文件,但布莱顿宣言和相关议定书已促使法院朝着这些文件和事件中规定的方向进行变革。这对于理解国际法院的演变具有理论意义。