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The Brighton Aftermath and the Changing Role of the European Court of Human Rights
Journal of International Dispute Settlement ( IF 0.982 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-22 , DOI: 10.1093/jnlids/idx002
Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir

This article argues that recent case-law on the margin of appreciation indicates that the European Court of Human Rights is in the process of redefining its relationship with the national authorities. It further elaborates how the case-law exhibits: a) the deferral of more elements of fine-tuning under the principle of proportionality to those national authorities that exhibit due Convention diligence by applying the Court’s jurisprudence and analytic methodologies at home, b) increased emphasis on the Court’s role as the provider of general interpretative guidance, and c) the operationalisation of a wider-reaching res interpretata (or erga omnes) effect for the Court’s judgments. In the final analysis it is argued that, while remaining within the confines of existing Convention structures, the Court’s role is developing towards clearer resemblance with providers of ‘constitutional’ justice, and that this is supported in a recent CDDH report on the longer-term future of the Convention system.



本文认为,最近的判例法表明,欧洲人权法院正在重新定义其与国家当局的关系。它还进一步阐述了判例法如何体现:a) 根据相称原则,将更多的微调要素推迟给那些通过在国内应用法院的判例和分析方法来表现出应有的公约勤勉的国家当局,b) 更加强调关于法院作为一般解释性指导提供者的作用,以及 c) 对法院判决实施更广泛的既决解释(或普遍适用)效果。归根结底,有人认为,在保留在现有公约结构范围内的同时,