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Evidence for suffix cohesion in French
Journal of French Language Studies ( IF 0.606 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-10 , DOI: 10.1017/s0959269520000198
Benjamin Storme

In a language, suffix cohesion refers to the fact that suffixed words behave phonologically as simple or complex units depending on the suffix they are built with. This article uncovers a previously undescribed pattern of suffix cohesion in French, where words suffixed with vowel- and glide-initial suffixes behave phonologically like simple units (e.g. fêtiez [fet-je] ‘you partied’) and words built with other consonant-initial suffixes behave phonologically like complex units (e.g. fêterez [fɛt-ʁe] ‘you will party’). The evidence comes from a reassessment of well-known data on [ə]–[ɛ] stem alternations and from an acoustic study of [e]–[ɛ] and [o]–[ɔ] alternations in suffixed words as pronounced by 10 speakers living in the Paris area. The suffix’s phonological shape is found to provide the best account of the data among a set of factors that have been argued to be relevant to suffix cohesion in other languages (in particular resyllabification). The French pattern has important theoretical implications for theories of suffix cohesion as it is not prosodically conditioned. An alternative analysis in terms of paradigm uniformity is proposed, where suffixed words are treated as complex units phonologically if the suffix’s phonological shape facilitates the perceptual recognition of the base corresponding to the suffixed word’s stem.



在一种语言中,后缀衔接是指后缀词在语音上表现为简单或复杂的单位,具体取决于它们所用的后缀。本文揭示了一种以前未描述的法语后缀衔接模式,其中带有元音和滑音初始后缀的单词在语音上表现得像简单的单位(例如费蒂兹[fet-je] 'you partied')和用其他辅音开头的后缀组成的单词在语音上表现得像复杂的单位(例如费特雷兹[fɛt-ʁe] '你将参加派对')。证据来自对 [ə]–[ɛ] 词干交替的知名数据的重新评估,以及对后缀词中 [e]–[ɛ] 和 [o]–[ɔ] 交替发音的声学研究(发音为 10)居住在巴黎地区的演讲者。发现后缀的音位形状可以在一组被认为与其他语言中的后缀衔接(特别是重音节化)相关的因素中提供最好的数据说明。法国模式对后缀衔接理论具有重要的理论意义,因为它不受韵律限制。提出了一种范式一致性方面的替代分析,如果后缀的语音形状有助于感知与后缀词的词干对应的基础,则后缀词在语音上被视为复杂的单位。