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Metathesis of aspiration as the source of anticipatory voicelessness in Basque
Journal of French Language Studies ( IF 0.606 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-29 , DOI: 10.1017/s0959269518000339
Ander Egurtzegi

In Basque, there is evidence, especially in early loans from Latin, that a sequence #DV(R)T… where D is a voiced stop and T is a voiceless (aspirated) stop was optionally produced with devoicing of the first of these stops. An additional particularity of this sound pattern is that the devoiced word-initial stop typically surfaces with aspiration, while the previously aspirated stop loses it: #DV(R)T(h)… > #T(h)V(R)T… This typologically uncommon sound pattern has been described as assimilation of voicelessness in the literature, or spread of [-voiced]. I propose that this sound pattern is triggered by aspiration, not voicelessness, and that it is a case of metathesis, not assimilation. Under the proposed analysis, aspiration of the second stop in the word is reanalysed as originating in the first stop, an instance of perceptual metathesis. This approach accounts for the distribution of aspirated stops before and after the optional change, and the failure of post-sibilant stops to trigger. This account also has implications for the chronology of aspiration-loss in Western dialects: at the time the earliest Latin loans were borrowed, all Basque dialects still maintained a historical series of aspirated stops. Only later, after this process of optional metathesis, did the Western dialects lose *h and stop aspiration.



在巴斯克语中,有证据表明,特别是从拉丁语的早期借音中,序列#DV(R)T... 其中 D 是浊塞音,T 是清音(送气)塞音,可以选择产生这些塞音中的第一个. 这种声音模式的另一个特殊之处是,清音词首塞音通常会随着送气出现,而之前送气的塞音会失去它:#DV(R)T(H)…>#T(H)V(R)T… 这种类型学上不常见的声音模式在文献中被描述为清音的同化,或 [-voiced] 的传播。我认为这种声音模式是由愿望而不是清音触发的,它是一种复分解而不是同化的情况。根据建议的分析,单词中第二个停止的愿望被重新分析为起源于第一个停止,一个实例知觉复分解. 这种方法考虑了可选变化前后吸气停止的分布,以及后咝音停止触发的失败。这一说法也对西方方言中的送气损失年表有影响:在最早借用拉丁语时,所有巴斯克方言仍然保持历史上一系列送气停顿。直到后来,在这个可选的复分解过程之后,西方方言才失去 *h 并停止送气。