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Exploring the possibilities and limits to transfer and learning: Examining a teacher leadership initiative using the theory of action framework
Journal of Educational Change ( IF 2.418 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10833-020-09378-z
Jennie Miles Weiner , Alexandra J. Lamb

Teacher Leadership is an effective way to support positive school change (Lai and Cheung 2015 ; Mangin and Stoelinga in Effective teacher leadership, Teachers College Press, New York, pp 1–9, 2008). To accelerate success, professional development programs aimed at building teacher leadership have proliferated across the globe. And yet, teacher leaders attending such programs often report difficulty in transferring their new knowledge and skills to their schools in meaningful ways (Snoek and Volman in Teach Teach Educ 37:91–100, 2014). In this study, we propose these results may stem from a failure of such programs to support double loop learning. To test this idea, we apply Argyris and Schön’s (Theory in practice: increasing professional effectiveness, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1996) theory of action framework as a tool to examine teachers’ (n = 13) and administrators’ (n = 6) experiences with a teacher leadership development program and specifically whether there were gaps in their espoused theories and theories-in-use. We find double loop learning occurred regarding informal teacher leadership and the cultural norms of autonomy, egalitarianism, and seniority. However, such learning did not extend to principals’ orientation towards shared decision making and authority. While administrators (re)-created structures for teacher leaders to participate in such decision-making (e.g., instructional leadership teams) (i.e., single loop learning), they failed to shift power and authority regarding decision-making in these venues. As a result, teacher leaders’ efficacy was diminished as was the school’s ability to fully engage in change.



教师领导力是支持积极学校变革的有效方式(Lai 和 Cheung 2015 年;Mangin 和 Stoelinga 在《有效教师领导力》中,纽约师范学院出版社,第 1-9 页,2008 年)。为了加速成功,旨在培养教师领导力的专业发展计划在全球范围内激增。然而,参加此类计划的教师领导者经常报告说,很难以有意义的方式将他们的新知识和技能转移到学校(Snoek 和 Volman 在 Teach Teach Educ 37:91-100,2014 年)。在这项研究中,我们提出这些结果可能源于此类程序在支持双循环学习方面的失败。为了测试这个想法,我们应用了 Argyris 和 Schön 的(实践中的理论:提高专业效率,Jossey-Bass,旧金山,1996) 行动理论框架作为一种工具来检查教师 (n = 13) 和管理人员 (n = 6) 在教师领导力发展计划中的经验,特别是他们所拥护的理论和使用的理论是否存在差距。我们发现关于非正式教师领导和自治、平等主义和资历的文化规范发生了双循环学习。然而,这种学习并没有扩展到校长对共同决策和权力的导向。虽然管理员(重新)为教师领导者创建了参与此类决策的结构(例如,教学领导团队)(即单循环学习),但他们未能在这些场所转移决策的权力和权威。因此,