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The epistemic culture of the OECD and its agenda for higher education
Journal of Education Policy ( IF 3.000 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-06 , DOI: 10.1080/02680939.2020.1745897
Johanna Kallo 1


The rise of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as a global actor has been attributed to its capacity to create and redefine the boundaries of knowledge through powerful discursive concepts, such as the idea of a knowledge economy. The organisation’s reviews, forecasts and statistics have been perceived as producing multifarious effects within and beyond its member countries while shaping the perceptions of policy alternatives or lack thereof. The shared views and arrangements of knowledge creation within the organisation, from which the organisation produces its artefacts, have nevertheless received minor attention. This article approaches the OECD and its agenda for higher education from the perspective of organisational cultures and knowledge creation within organisations. The article investigates the changes that have taken place in the OECD and its higher education agenda. Moreover, it examines whether any dominant narratives on higher education emerge from the interview data and the OECD reports, and if so, what their differing or opposing narratives are. Lastly, the article aims to understand the dynamics of the changes by analysing whether an epistemic culture exists within the OECD, and if so, what kind of culture it is.




经济合作与发展组织 (OECD) 作为全球参与者的崛起归功于其通过强大的话语概念(例如知识经济理念)创造和重新定义知识边界的能力。该组织的审查、预测和统计被认为在其成员国内外产生了多种影响,同时塑造了对政策替代方案或缺乏政策替代方案的看法。然而,组织内部知识创造的共同观点和安排,组织生产其人工制品,却很少受到关注。本文从组织文化和组织内知识创造的角度探讨经合组织及其高等教育议程。本文调查了经合组织及其高等教育议程中发生的变化。此外,它还检查了采访数据和经合组织报告中是否出现了任何关于高等教育的主要叙述,如果是,它们的不同或相反的叙述是什么。最后,本文旨在通过分析经合组织内是否存在认知文化,如果存在,它是一种什么样的文化,从而了解变化的动力。
