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77 Shades of black: the pragmatics of emotive color terms in Korean
Journal of East Asian Linguistics ( IF 0.346 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s10831-018-9167-3
Suwon Yoon

In this study, we aim to propose the Pragmatics and Semantics of what we term the emotive color terms (ECTs) in Korean as a subcase of expressive elements, analyzed as Conventional Implicature (Potts in The logic of conventional implicature, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005 et seq.). In exploring extremely complex connotational nuances in 77 variants of ECTs, we show the regularity of how such abundant derivations can be achieved by systematic phonetic and morphological alternations. What is particularly noteworthy about Korean color terms, however, is the fact that many of the possible variants can convey the speaker’s positive or negative emotional attitude that is reflected in a particular derivation of the color term, in addition to the regular meaning of the color term concerning quality/quantity of the color (Kennedy and McNally in Synthese 174(1):79–98, 2010). To capture the precise meaning difference, we propose a hybrid analysis of ECTs at the interface of Pragmatics and Semantics, which allows us to successfully capture the subtle differences in numerous variants of the ECT. Furthermore, we show how the dynamic paradigm of multiple expressives, ECTs and others, can be predicted by the Compatibility Condition Model and the Compatibility Condition Index (Yoon in Spec Issue Slurs Lang Sci 52:46–69, 2015; Yae and Yoon in Lang Sci 64:69–102, 2017). The rigorous investigation of 77 possible variants for a single color like ‘black’ reveals the systematicity of expressives, as part of our grammar, while the identification of another case of expressive element in language further supports the notion of multidimensionality.



在这项研究中,我们旨在提出实用术语和语义学,即我们将韩语中的情感色彩术语(ECTs)表示表达元素的一种情况,并分析为“传统含意”(Potts in the常规隐含逻辑,牛津大学出版社,牛津,2005年及以后)。在探索ECT的77个变体中极其复杂的内涵细微差别时,我们展示了如何通过系统的语音和形态学交替来实现如此丰富的衍生形式的规律性。但是,关于韩语用语特别值得注意的是,除了颜色的常规含义外,许多可能的变体还可以传达说话者的积极或消极的情感态度,这反映在用语的特定派生中有关颜色质量/数量的术语(Kennedy和McNally,Synthese 174(1):79-98,2010年)。为了捕获精确的含义差异,我们建议在语用学和语义学的界面上对ECT进行混合分析,这使我们能够成功捕获ECT众多变体中的细微差别。此外,我们展示了如何通过多种语言来预测多种表达,ECT等的动态范式。兼容性条件模型兼容性条件指数(Your in Spec Issue Slurs Lang Sci 52:46–69,2015; Yae and Yoon in Lang Sci 64:69–102,2017)。严格研究77种可能的变体,例如“黑色”,揭示了表达的系统性,这是我们语法的一部分,而对语言中表达元素的另一种情况的识别进一步支持了多维性的概念