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Levels of wellbeing, resilience, and physical activity amongst Irish pre-service teachers: a baseline study
Irish Educational Studies ( IF 1.576 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-14 , DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2019.1697948
Niamh O’ Brien 1 , Martin Lawlor 2 , Fiona Chambers 1 , Gavin Breslin 3 , Wesley O’ Brien 1

The current study examines the wellbeing, resilience and physical activity (PA) levels among Irish pre-service teachers. Participants were a sample of 128 higher education students (29% male; 71% female; mean age range 18–27 years old) who completed a self-report questionnaire, using a combination of established instruments for wellbeing, resilience, and PA. Descriptive data revealed that 39.1% presented with low levels of resilience, and 74% were not meeting the PA guidelines for health. One sample t-tests further revealed the sample population of higher education students had lower wellbeing (t (127) = −3.05, p = .003) and resilience (t (127) = −6.48, p = .003) levels, when compared to the population normative data. Results from the existing study suggest that a structured mental health and PA education awareness intervention for Irish pre-service teachers may be warranted, specifically to increase the lower than expected levels of resilience. The existing sample of pre-service teachers are at a critical time of transition, as they move forward into a profession where self-awareness of wellbeing is required at the beginning of their careers to sustain health both inside and outside of the classroom.



目前的研究调查了爱尔兰职前教师的幸福感、适应力和身体活动 (PA) 水平。参与者是 128 名高等教育学生(29% 男性;71% 女性;平均年龄范围 18-27 岁)的样本,他们使用既定的幸福感、适应力和 PA 工具完成了一份自我报告问卷。描述性数据显示,39.1% 的人表现出低水平的弹性,74% 的人不符合 PA 的健康指南。一项样本 t 检验进一步显示,高等教育学生样本人群的幸福感 (t (127) = -3.05, p = .003) 和适应力 (t (127) = -6.48, p = .003) 水平较低,当与人口常模数据相比。现有研究的结果表明,可能有必要对爱尔兰的职前教师进行结构化的心理健康和 PA 教育意识干预,特别是为了提高低于预期的弹性水平。现有的职前教师样本正处于转型的关键时期,因为他们进入了一个在职业生涯开始时需要自我福祉意识以维持课堂内外健康的职业。