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When children remember: A history of the Tutsi genocide through the eyes of children (1994–2006)
International Review of the Red Cross ( IF 0.381 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-22 , DOI: 10.1017/s1816383119000171
Hélène Dumas

Drawing on a corpus of accounts written by survivor children in 2006, this article looks at the Tutsi genocide through the eyes of children, enabling us to see the radical social and emotional transgressions of 1994 from a new angle. As members of society and prime targets of the genocide, these children tell how the world of their childhood was turned upside-down, through the unique intensity of their own words. An idealized “before”, inhabited by the beloved characters of their parents, brothers and sisters, is brutally swept away as everything they have known becomes inverted. Forced to watch killings and cruelty, they adopt survival strategies that show how thoroughly they understand the radical nature of what is unfolding. An extreme distrust of adults will forever mark these children – now orphans – who still live in “the time of the genocide”.



本文取材于幸存儿童在 2006 年所写的语料库,通过儿童的视角审视图西族种族灭绝,使我们能够从一个新的角度看待 1994 年激进的社会和情感越轨行为。作为社会成员和种族灭绝的主要目标,这些孩子通过他们自己独特的语言强度讲述了他们童年的世界是如何被天翻地覆的。一个理想化的“以前”,居住着他们父母、兄弟和姐妹们心爱的角色,随着他们所知道的一切都被颠倒过来,被残酷地一扫而光。被迫观看杀戮和残忍,他们采用生存策略,表明他们对正在发生的事情的激进性质有多么透彻的理解。