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Exploring the intersection of language and culture via telecollaboration: Utilizing videoconferencing for intercultural competence development
International Multilingual Research Journal ( IF 1.543 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-08 , DOI: 10.1080/19313152.2019.1570772
Chesla Ann Lenkaitis 1 , Stephanie Calo 2 , Salvador Venegas Escobar 3


This study qualitatively investigated students from a Mexican university and a U.S. university and how their intercultural competence (IC), the ability to appropriately and effectively communicate with others from countries and cultures other than one’s own, was affected by a five-week telecollaborative exchange. To examine the ways in which students in both second languages (L2s), Spanish and English, developed IC, the researchers deductively analyzed over six hours of Zoom video sessions of two participants (n = 2) according to a 15-category IC framework. Results revealed that the Communication Skills category was coded almost 72% more than the next-highest category of Cultural Self-Awareness/Understanding. These results suggested that SCMC-based telecollaboration is an effective vehicle for collaboration and in turn IC development. In addition, this study shows the value of integrating telecollaboration into L2 learning and teaching, as it gives learners an opportunity to explore the intersection of language and culture.




这项研究定性地调查了来自墨西哥大学和美国大学的学生,他们的跨文化能力(IC),与他人进行适当和有效交流的能力以及与他人以外的其他国家和文化的交流如何受到为期五周的远程协作交流的影响。为了检验方法,使学生在这两个第二语言(L2S),西班牙语和英语,开发IC,演绎分析了六个多小时两个参与者的变焦视频会议的研究人员(ñ= 2)根据15类IC框架。结果显示,“沟通技巧”类别的编码比“文化自我意识/理解”第二高的类别高出近72%。这些结果表明,基于SCMC的远程协作是协作以及IC开发的有效工具。此外,这项研究还显示了将远程协作集成到L2学习和教学中的价值,因为它为学习者提供了探索语言和文化交汇的机会。
