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Migrants at Work: Immigration and Vulnerability in Labour Law
Industrial Law Journal ( IF 1.025 ) Pub Date : 2016-10-14 , DOI: 10.1093/indlaw/dww032
Mimi Zou 1

This edited volume draws on the work of established and emerging legal and migration scholars to examine the interaction between migration law and labour law, and the impact that these sets of law have on one another and on the process of migration. This collection is unique in its attempt to put into conversation these two sets of law in order to stimulate new debate on the need to reconcile migration and labour scholars. In doing so, the volume makes an important theoretical and empirical contribution to migration and labour studies. Central to this volume is the argument that there is a theoretical disjuncture between immigration law and labour law. This theoretical rift has led to weak intersection and interaction between these two sets of law, which often results in conflicting laws and policies. According to Costello and Freedland (2014: 11), ‘The laws and regulations of labour migration are viewed as divisive as they superimpose upon labour law their own special, and often restricted, personal work statuses’. Using thematic analysis, the chapters in the book demonstrate the disjuncture between migration and labour laws with case studies drawn from various countries including Australia, Ireland, Israel, Germany, Sweden, the United States and the United Kingdom. The authors draw on the experiences of countries that have historically attracted migrants, and those that were formerly primarily labour-sending countries but that are now also labour-receiving countries (such as Italy, Poland and Mexico). To a lesser extent, the volume investigates particular practices in Brazil, France, Greece, New Zealand and South Africa. All of these countries are contemporary hosts to migrants and have systems designed to deal with various aspects of migration. Nonetheless, certain common features in their immigration law impact on labour law, such as their shared contemporary shift to using temporary labour migration statuses. Many of the studies demonstrate that migration law exists at both the international and national level to facilitate the smooth and safe movement of people across borders. However, the majority of these laws are viewed through the lens of national security and sovereignty (Engblom, chapter 18, and Davies, chapter 5, on the trend of criminalising migrants). According to Costello and Freedland, part of the primary goal of migration law is to include or exclude migrants from the labour market, ultimately subjecting migration law to national law and policy. Migration law is also closely linked to an increase in triangular labour relations because of the shift towards labour broking within labour supply chains. In this way, there is contestation between the purpose of



这本编辑过的卷借鉴了成熟和新兴的法律和移民学者的工作,研究了移民法和劳动法之间的相互作用,以及这些法律对彼此和移民过程的影响。该系列的独特之处在于它试图将这两套法律进行对话,以激发关于调和移民和劳工学者的必要性的新辩论。在此过程中,本书对移民和劳工研究做出了重要的理论和实证贡献。本卷的核心是关于移民法和劳动法之间存在理论脱节的论点。这种理论裂痕导致这两套法律之间的交叉和互动薄弱,这往往导致法律和政策的冲突。根据科斯特洛和弗里德兰 (2014: 11) 的说法,“劳务移民的法律法规被视为具有分裂性,因为它们将自己特殊的、通常是受限制的个人工作状态叠加在劳动法上”。本书中的章节使用主题分析,通过来自澳大利亚、爱尔兰、以色列、德国、瑞典、美国和英国等不同国家的案例研究,展示了移民法与劳动法之间的脱节。作者借鉴了历史上吸引移民的国家的经验,以及以前主要是劳务输出国但现在也是劳务接收国(如意大利、波兰和墨西哥)的国家的经验。在较小程度上,该卷调查了巴西、法国、希腊、新西兰和南非的特定实践。所有这些国家都是当代移民的东道国,并拥有旨在处理移民各个方面的制度。尽管如此,他们移民法中的某些共同特征会影响劳动法,例如他们共同的当代转向使用临时劳务移民身份。许多研究表明,国际和国家层面都存在移民法,以促进人们跨境的顺利和安全流动。然而,这些法律中的大多数是通过国家安全和主权的视角来看待的(Engblom,第 18 章和 Davies,第 5 章,关于将移民定为犯罪的趋势)。根据科斯特洛和弗里德兰的说法,移民法的部分主要目标是将移民纳入或排除在劳动力市场之外,最终使移民法服从于国家法律和政策。由于劳动力供应链内向劳务中介的转变,移民法也与三角劳资关系的增加密切相关。这样一来,目的之间就有了争论。