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Integration patterns in host societies analysed on the basis of alphabet book content for Russian schools in limitrophe states in the first third of the twentieth century
History of Education ( IF 0.549 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-13 , DOI: 10.1080/0046760x.2020.1785687
Maria Kozlova 1

ABSTRACT This paper examines the content of alphabet books published for Russian-speaking children in Latvia, Estonia and Poland in the 1920s and explains the nexus between socio-cultural context and representation of social environment and children’s interactions to explore strategies of adaptation offered to children. The textbooks were quantified using a target codifier. The results are embedded in the context of theories of intergenerational cultural transmission and integration of minorities. The textbooks published for Russian-speaking children in Poland and Estonia exemplify a classical postfigurative type of intergenerational transmission to ensure group cohesion protecting against assimilation. The model of transmission in alphabet books published in Latvia is based on encouraging a child to establish values and guidelines independently. Thus, Latvian alphabet books allow a child to join a network of tenuous relationships for integration into the dominant culture. Therefore, the study provides a retrospective of strategies of Russian-speaking minorities’ consolidation and integration into dominant societies.


根据 20 世纪前 30 年有限国家俄罗斯学校的字母书内容分析东道国社会的整合模式

摘要 本文研究了 1920 年代为拉脱维亚、爱沙尼亚和波兰的俄语儿童出版的字母书的内容,并解释了社会文化背景与社会环境表征和儿童互动之间的联系,以探索提供给儿童的适应策略。使用目标编码器对教科书进行量化。结果嵌入在代际文化传播和少数民族融合理论的背景下。为波兰和爱沙尼亚的俄语儿童出版的教科书体现了一种经典的后喻式代际传播,以确保群体凝聚力防止同化。拉脱维亚出版的字母书的传播模式是基于鼓励孩子独立建立价值观和指导方针。因此,拉脱维亚字母书允许孩子加入一个脆弱的关系网络,以融入主流文化。因此,本研究回顾了俄语少数民族巩固和融入主流社会的策略。