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Exceptional Children ( IF 4.091 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0014402919830597
John Wills Lloyd , William J. Therrien

We are happy to describe the contents of this issue of Exceptional Children. We have had the benefit of superb submissions that have been reviewed by highly qualified experts as we have assembled it. Here are snippets that we hope will encourage readers to reflect on each article. What is happening in preschool classrooms to promote literacy? Greenwood, Carta, Schnitz, Irvin, Jia, and Atwater reanalyzed data from earlier studies and found that preschool children with disabilities have little exposure to literacy instruction. However, when literacy instruction is provided, teachers differentiate their lessons for students with disabilities. The authors’ eco-behavioral observations offer directions for instruction. Fluency in solving equations is a strong predictor of success in higher-order mathematics. In their study of applying self-regulated strategy development (SRSD) practices for students’ learning of fractions skills, Losinski, Ennis, Sanders, and Wiseman found that students’ solved fraction-related equations more rapidly when taught via SRSD. This study has explicit implications for instruction. A review by Tekin-Iftar, Olçay-Gül, and Collins examined the long-used simultaneous prompting procedure. The authors found that this simply implemented procedure is an effective technique for teaching a broad range of skills to individuals with disabilities from preschool through adulthood. Although the technique can be considered an evidence-based practice, the authors call for more research to ascertain the boundaries of the technique’s effectiveness with a particular emphasis on exploring the interaction between individuals’ characteristics (e.g., disability, age) and targeted skill on the overall effectiveness of the approach. Although educators hope students with disabilities might catch up with their nondisabled peers, such an outcome may not be possible. Gilmour, Fuchs, and Wehby examined the gap in reading achievement between students with and without disabilities and how various factors might explain differences between those with and without disabilities. Encouragingly, although students with disabilities lag behind their peers, they can make progress. However, even with significant progress, the authors found that it can be difficult for students with disabilities to achieve at the same level as their peers. Examining the characteristics of studies permits researchers to recommend practices, and a study by Austin, Wanzek, Scammacca, Vaughn, Gesel, Donegan, and Engelmann sought to do so. The authors reviewed multiple studies and examined the effects of important factors on supplemental reading interventions. Surprisingly, few study-quality features affected outcomes. As previously noted, skill in manipulating fractions is an important prerequisite for higher learning in mathematics. In a review of studies to improve the fractions task performance of students with disabilities, Ennis and Losinski provide evidenced-based recommendations about multiple approaches to teaching students how to solve fractions problems. We hope that readers of Exceptional Children will find these reports of research as valuable as we and our review teams did. We are pleased to present this issue of EC.



我们很高兴为您介绍本期《特殊儿童》的内容。我们已经受益于高素质的专家在我们组装它时已经审查过的极好的提交。以下是我们希望能够鼓励读者对每篇文章进行反思的片段。学前班正在发生什么以促进识字?Greenwood、Carta、Schnitz、Irvin、Jia 和 Atwater 重新分析了早期研究的数据,发现残疾学龄前儿童很少接触识字教学。但是,在提供识字指导时,教师会针对残疾学生区分不同的课程。作者的生态行为观察为教学提供了方向。求解方程的流畅性是高阶数学成功的有力预测因素。在他们将自我调节策略发展 (SRSD) 实践应用于学生学习分数技能的研究中,Losinski、Ennis、Sanders 和 Wiseman 发现通过 SRSD 教授学生解决分数相关方程的速度更快。这项研究对教学有明确的意义。Tekin-Iftar、Olçay-Gül​​ 和 Collins 对长期使用的同步提示程序进行了审查。作者发现,这种简单实施的程序是一种有效的技术,可以向从学龄前到成年的残疾人教授广泛的技能。尽管该技术可以被视为基于证据的实践,但作者呼吁进行更多研究以确定该技术有效性的界限,并特别强调探索个体特征之间的相互作用(例如。g.、残疾、年龄)和目标技能对方法整体有效性的影响。尽管教育工作者希望残疾学生能够赶上他们的非残疾同龄人,但这样的结果可能是不可能的。Gilmour、Fuchs 和 Wehby 研究了有残疾和没有残疾的学生在阅读成绩方面的差距,以及各种因素如何解释有残疾和没有残疾的学生之间的差异。令人鼓舞的是,虽然残疾学生落后于同龄人,但他们可以取得进步。然而,即使取得了重大进展,作者发现残疾学生也很难达到与同龄人相同的水平。检查研究的特征允许研究人员推荐实践,Austin、Wanzek、Scammacca、Vaughn、Gesel、Donegan、恩格尔曼试图这样做。作者回顾了多项研究,并检查了重要因素对补充阅读干预的影响。令人惊讶的是,很少有研究质量特征会影响结果。如前所述,处理分数的技能是高等数学学习的重要先决条件。在对提高残疾学生分数任务表现的研究的回顾中,Ennis 和 Losinski 提供了有关教学生如何解决分数问题的多种方法的循证建议。我们希望 Exceptional Children 的读者会发现这些研究报告与我们和我们的审查团队所做的一样有价值。我们很高兴介绍这一期 EC。作者回顾了多项研究,并检查了重要因素对补充阅读干预的影响。令人惊讶的是,很少有研究质量特征会影响结果。如前所述,处理分数的技能是高等数学学习的重要先决条件。在对提高残疾学生分数任务表现的研究的回顾中,Ennis 和 Losinski 提供了有关教学生如何解决分数问题的多种方法的循证建议。我们希望 Exceptional Children 的读者会发现这些研究报告与我们和我们的审查团队所做的一样有价值。我们很高兴介绍这一期 EC。作者回顾了多项研究,并检查了重要因素对补充阅读干预的影响。令人惊讶的是,很少有研究质量特征会影响结果。如前所述,处理分数的技能是高等数学学习的重要先决条件。在对提高残疾学生分数任务表现的研究的回顾中,Ennis 和 Losinski 提供了有关教学生如何解决分数问题的多种方法的循证建议。我们希望 Exceptional Children 的读者会发现这些研究报告与我们和我们的审查团队所做的一样有价值。我们很高兴向您介绍这一期 EC。处理分数的技能是高等数学学习的重要先决条件。在对提高残疾学生分数任务表现的研究的回顾中,Ennis 和 Losinski 提供了有关教学生如何解决分数问题的多种方法的循证建议。我们希望 Exceptional Children 的读者会发现这些研究报告与我们和我们的审查团队所做的一样有价值。我们很高兴介绍这一期 EC。掌握分数的技巧是高等数学学习的重要先决条件。在对提高残疾学生分数任务表现的研究的回顾中,Ennis 和 Losinski 提供了有关教学生如何解决分数问题的多种方法的循证建议。我们希望 Exceptional Children 的读者会发现这些研究报告与我们和我们的审查团队所做的一样有价值。我们很高兴介绍这一期 EC。我们希望 Exceptional Children 的读者会发现这些研究报告与我们和我们的审查团队所做的一样有价值。我们很高兴介绍这一期 EC。我们希望 Exceptional Children 的读者会发现这些研究报告与我们和我们的审查团队所做的一样有价值。我们很高兴介绍这一期 EC。