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“Even if it’s my story it can have your touch”: using dialogic processes as an entry point to a culturally responsive writing pedagogy
English in Education ( IF 0.768 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-19 , DOI: 10.1080/04250494.2019.1668721
Belinda Mendelowitz 1 , Karen Lazar 1

ABSTRACT We argue that opening a space for dialogic, imaginative writing in the classroom can create entry points for a culturally responsive writing pedagogy (CRWP). We explore how collaborative writing for a pre-existing community digital platform (FundZa) and audience aids the implementation of CRWP in a creative writing course for South African education students. Data from a focus group evaluation show that the course generated a number of new literacy lenses which challenged students to rethink static, monolingual views of language and narrative as well as the kinds of literacies necessary for the creation of a good story. One of the most significant findings entailed a new appreciation of the role of multiple perspectives in the collaborative writing process and moves from a monologic view of writing towards a dialogic view. Many students were encouraged to take imaginative leaps towards unfamiliar cultural contexts and audiences, through peer collaboration, discussion and drafting.



摘要 我们认为,在课堂上为对话、富有想象力的写作开辟空间可以为文化响应性写作教学法 (CRWP) 创造切入点。我们探讨了针对现有社区数字平台 (FundZa) 和受众的协作写作如何帮助南非教育学生在创意写作课程中实施 CRWP。来自焦点小组评估的数据表明,该课程产生了许多新的识字镜头,这些镜头挑战学生重新思考静态的、单语的语言和叙事观点,以及创作好故事所需的识字种类。最重要的发现之一是对多视角在协作写作过程中的作用有了新的认识,并从单一的写作观点转向对话观点。