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Changing attitudes to inclusion in preservice teacher education: a systematic review
Educational Research ( IF 2.968 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00131881.2019.1596035
Franziska Lautenbach 1 , Anke Heyder 2

ABSTRACT Background: A positive attitude towards inclusion has been considered as one of the most influential success factors for inclusive education in school. Thus, improving attitudes to inclusion in preservice teachers has gained interest in research and teacher education practice. Purpose: In this study, we systematically reviewed intervention studies that aimed to improve preservice teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion within the university context. We aimed to investigate whether, in the reviewed studies, preservice teacher-training interventions led to a more positive attitude towards inclusion and also determine what kinds of preservice teacher-training interventions might lead to a more positive attitude change towards inclusion. Design and methods: The review of literature sought to identify and describe intervention studies that focused on changing attitudes towards inclusion in preservice teachers. The search focused on studies that assessed preservice teachers’ attitudes quantitatively, at least twice, with a planned and structured intervention in between. Original research published in English in international peer-review journals was included. Results: In total, 23 studies were identified. Within these, it was evident from the findings that studies of different type indicated positive change: both information-based cognitive interventions (n = 10) as well as interventions with a combination of information and practical field experience (n = 11) were reported to lead to more positive attitudes towards inclusion. Conclusions: The research draws attention to the importance of understanding, in greater depth, the attitudes that are conducive to the implementation of inclusive education. For theoretical and methodological reasons, results must be interpreted with caution and cannot be taken to imply a causal relationship between various approaches and attitudes towards inclusion. Implications for future research are given in terms of theoretical as well as methodological considerations.



摘要背景:对包容性的积极态度被认为是学校包容性教育最有影响力的成功因素之一。因此,改善对职前教师包容的态度已经引起了研究和教师教育实践的兴趣。目的:在这项研究中,我们系统地回顾了旨在改善职前教师对大学环境包容态度的干预研究。我们旨在调查在审查的研究中,职前教师培训干预是否会导致更积极的包容态度,并确定什么样的职前教师培训干预可能导致更积极的包容态度转变。设计和方法:文献综述试图确定和描述干预研究,这些研究侧重于改变对职前教师包容的态度。搜索的重点是定量评估职前教师态度的研究,至少两次,其间有计划和结构化的干预。包括在国际同行评审期刊上以英文发表的原创研究。结果:总共确定了 23 项研究。其中,从调查结果中可以明显看出,不同类型的研究表明了积极的变化:基于信息的认知干预 (n = 10) 以及结合信息和实践现场经验的干预 (n = 11) 都报告了导致对包容的更积极态度。结论:该研究提请注意更深入地了解有利于实施全纳教育的态度的重要性。出于理论和方法论的原因,必须谨慎解释结果,不能将其视为各种方法和对包容态度之间的因果关系。从理论和方法考虑方面给出了对未来研究的影响。