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Black Male Leaders Care Too: An Introduction to Black Masculine Caring in Educational Leadership
Educational Administration Quarterly ( IF 3.629 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-14 , DOI: 10.1177/0013161x19840402
Lisa R. Bass 1

Background: This study addresses the leadership of African American male leaders and their operationalization of the ethic of care in their practice by analyzing the educational leadership of African American men through an ethic of care lens. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to simultaneously remind readers of the importance of caring in schools, while discussing the caring styles of Black males in leadership. Research Design: This study examined the lived experiences of 10 African American male administrators to understand their perceptions of caring leadership. The phenomenon of interest was investigated using qualitative, exploratory study methodology to facilitate the collection of rich data that tells the stories of the participants. The themes discovered during the focus group were used during the one-on-one interviews to probe deeper into the issues and evaluate the consistency of the themes. Striking similarities that fit logically into themes emerged in the data from the focus group and the individual interviews. Findings: The themes that emerged from this study did not support the stereotype so often set forth regarding Black male leadership. The major emergent themes were: Black male leaders cared and liked being associated with caring, they felt they had to mask their caring nature because of societal expectations, they view themselves as father figures, they strongly identify and connect with a sense of spirituality, they believe that action must follow caring, and they practice “rough love” as care. Conclusion: The core foundational principles of Black Masculine Caring include a framework that acknowledges Black men have the capacity to care, and often care deeply. Black men’s capacity to care depends on their prior experience as Black men. The caring exhibited by Black men is influenced by their culture, and caring demonstrated by Black men is often misunderstood or misinterpreted.



背景:本研究通过从护理伦理的角度分析非裔美国男性的教育领导力,探讨了非裔美国男性领导者的领导能力及其在实践中对护理伦理的实施。目的:本文的目的是同时提醒读者在学校关怀的重要性,同时讨论黑人男性在领导中的关怀风格。研究设计:本研究调查了 10 位非裔美国男性管理人员的生活经历,以了解他们对关怀型领导的看法。使用定性的探索性研究方法对感兴趣的现象进行了调查,以促进收集讲述参与者故事的丰富数据。焦点小组中发现的主题在一对一访谈中被用于深入探讨问题并评估主题的一致性。焦点小组和个人访谈的数据中出现了符合主题的惊人相似之处。结果:本研究中出现的主题并不支持关于黑人男性领导力的刻板印象。主要的新兴主题是:黑人男性领导人关心并喜欢与关怀联系在一起,他们觉得由于社会期望而不得不掩盖他们的关怀本性,他们将自己视为父亲形象,他们强烈认同并与一种精神感联系起来,他们相信行动必须跟随关怀,他们将“粗暴的爱”当作关怀。结论:黑人男性关怀的核心基本原则包括一个框架,该框架承认黑人男性有能力关心,并且经常深切关心。黑人男性的照顾能力取决于他们之前作为黑人男性的经验。黑人男性表现出的关怀受到他们文化的影响,黑人男性表现出的关怀经常被误解或曲解。