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Children’s rights in the field of early education
Early Years ( IF 1.069 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-29 , DOI: 10.1080/09575146.2020.1825340
Gabriela Etchebehere 1 , Darío De León 1

ABSTRACT The psychologist’s work in education is a field permanently under construction, crossed by multiple tensions. Some tensions are macrosocial, where the design of educational policy obliges us to study the impacts that policy produces in the microspaces of power and professional practice. Uruguay’s education law, enacted in 2008, clearly adopts a rights perspective, recognizing children as subjects of law. This raises the issue of how, in their daily work, professionals see and perform their role as guarantors of children’s rights. At a microsocial level, educational centres become privileged places to deploy rights promotion practices. Our research group in Early Childhood and Early Education has carried out qualitative studies with the objective of contributing to the integration of a children’s rights perspective in the field of Early Education. This article reports on two studies. In one the teachers take progressive autonomy as an axis of analysis while in the other the axis of analysis is the participation of children in educational practices. The data collection techniques used were discussion groups, participant observation and in-depth interviews. The results show that although many of the teachers’ educational actions reflect a conception of the child as a subject of rights, the teachers do not see these actions in terms of guaranteeing children’s rights. The dialogue generated by these results has fed back and enriched the analysis of the dimensions studied, as well as our rights-promoting interventions in the Early Education centres.



摘要 心理学家在教育领域的工作是一个长期处于建设中的领域,它被多重压力所交叉。有些紧张是宏观社会的,教育政策的设计迫使我们研究政策在权力和专业实践的微观空间中产生的影响。乌拉圭 2008 年颁布的教育法明确采用了权利视角,承认儿童是法律主体。这就提出了一个问题,即专业人士在日常工作中如何看待和履行他们作为儿童权利保障者的角色。在微观社会层面,教育中心成为实施权利促进实践的特权场所。我们的早期儿童和早期教育研究小组进行了定性研究,目的是促进儿童权利观点在早期教育领域的整合。本文报道了两项研究。一方面,教师将渐进的自主性作为分析轴,而另一方面,分析轴则是儿童在教育实践中的参与。使用的数据收集技术是讨论组、参与者观察和深入访谈。结果表明,虽然教师的许多教育行为反映了儿童作为权利主体的观念,但教师并没有从保障儿童权利的角度看待这些行为。这些结果产生的对话反馈并丰富了对所研究维度的分析,