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Everyday Heroes: The Personal and Economic Stressors of Early Care and Education Teachers Serving Low-Income Children
Early Education and Development ( IF 2.115 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-23 , DOI: 10.1080/10409289.2020.1785266
Anna D. Johnson 1 , Deborah A. Phillips 1 , Anne Partika 1 , The Tulsa Seed Study Team , Sherri Castle 2

ABSTRACT Research findings This study uses newly available data on low-income children and their teachers in a mixed-delivery, publicly funded early care and education (ECE) system to document the prevalence of personal and economic stressors that ECE teachers experience. We go on to explore whether these stressors are associated with child academic, self-regulatory, and social outcomes. Results indicate that ECE teachers in our sample report a high degree of personal and economic stressors – for instance, rates of depression and food insecurity are relatively high. Yet, these stressors’ associations with child outcomes are often weak and inconsistent. Practice and policy: ECE teachers in publicly funded settings face high expectations but are paid astonishingly low wages, which may contribute to high stress. More research is needed to understand why the many stressors teachers report did not consistently predict child outcomes in this study. What enables teachers to compartmentalize or absorb their personal and economic stressors such that their students are protected from its impacts? How can this information be applied to professional development focused on improving teacher wellbeing? Regardless of associations with child outcomes, reducing stressors reported by ECE teachers is a worthy practice priority because children deserve healthy and economically secure teachers and a worthy policy priority from a human rights perspective.



摘要 研究结果 本研究使用有关低收入儿童及其教师在混合交付、公共资助的早期保育和教育 (ECE) 系统中的最新数据来记录 ECE 教师所经历的个人和经济压力源的普遍性。我们继续探索这些压力源是否与儿童的学业、自我调节和社会成果有关。结果表明,我们样本中的幼儿教育教师报告了高度的个人和经济压力——例如,抑郁症和粮食不安全的比率相对较高。然而,这些压力源与儿童结果的关联往往是微弱和不一致的。实践和政策:公共资助环境中的幼儿早教教师面临着很高的期望,但工资却低得惊人,这可能会导致高压力。需要更多的研究来理解为什么教师报告的许多压力源在这项研究中不能一致地预测儿童的结果。是什么让教师能够区分或吸收他们的个人和经济压力,从而保护他们的学生免受其影响?如何将这些信息应用于专注于改善教师福利的专业发展?不管与儿童结果的关联如何,减少 ECE 教师报告的压力源是一个值得优先考虑的做法,因为儿童应该得到健康和经济上有保障的教师,并且从人权的角度来看,这是一个值得的政策优先事项。是什么让教师能够区分或吸收他们的个人和经济压力,从而保护他们的学生免受其影响?如何将这些信息应用于专注于改善教师福利的专业发展?不管与儿童结果的关联如何,减少 ECE 教师报告的压力源是一个值得优先考虑的做法,因为儿童应该得到健康和经济上有保障的教师,并且从人权的角度来看,这是一个值得的政策优先事项。是什么让教师能够区分或吸收他们的个人和经济压力,从而保护他们的学生免受其影响?如何将这些信息应用于专注于改善教师福利的专业发展?不管与儿童结果的关联如何,减少 ECE 教师报告的压力源是一个值得优先考虑的做法,因为儿童应该得到健康和经济上有保障的教师,并且从人权的角度来看,这是一个值得的政策优先事项。