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Trafficking: A Development Approach
Current Legal Problems ( IF 1.529 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1093/clp/cuz012
Prabha Kotiswaran

Almost twenty years since the adoption of the Palermo Protocol on Trafficking, anti-trafficking law and discourse continue to be in a state of tremendous flux and dynamic evolution. While the efficacy of using criminal law to tackle an irreducibly socioeconomic problem of labour exploitation was always suspect, scholars and activists alike sought to remedy the excesses of a criminal justice approach by articulating a human rights approach to trafficking. Arguing that this did not go far enough, labour law scholars called for a labour approach to trafficking in order to forefront the role that a redistributive mechanism like labour law could perform in supporting the agency of workers to counter vulnerability to trafficking. Since then, trafficking has evolved into a development issue with the articulation of Sustainable Development Goal 8.7 around which international organisations have mobilised considerable resources. Influential actors believe that bringing development to countries of the Global South will help them eliminate 'modern slavery'. My paper instead builds on the critique of the developmental project to elaborate on the key elements of a development approach to trafficking, one which is rooted in the realities of the developing world and which recognizes the fundamentally different configurations of the state, market, civil society and legal system in the Global South. Using the example of India, I argue that conventional regulatory responses to 'trafficking' and 'modern slavery' must be fundamentally rethought and that an uncritical reliance on a criminal law approach to trafficking must be replaced by efforts to implement domestic labour and social welfare laws which are themselves the result of long-term struggles for decent work and against extreme exploitation.



自《巴勒莫人口贩运议定书》通过近 20 年以来,反人口贩运法律和话语继续处于巨大的变化和动态演变的状态。虽然利用刑法解决劳动剥削这一不可减少的社会经济问题的有效性一直令人怀疑,但学者和活动家都试图通过阐明针对人口贩运的人权方法来纠正刑事司法方法的过度行为。劳动法学者认为这还远远不够,因此呼吁对人口贩运采取劳工方法,以突出劳动法等再分配机制在支持工人机构应对人口贩运脆弱性方面可以发挥的作用。从那时起,随着可持续发展目标 8 的阐明,贩运已演变为一个发展问题。7 国际组织为此调动了大量资源。有影响力的行为者认为,为全球南方国家带来发展将有助于他们消除“现代奴隶制”。相反,我的论文建立在对发展项目的批判之上,详细阐述了针对贩运问题的发展方法的关键要素,该方法植根于发展中世界的现实,并承认国家、市场、公民社会的根本不同配置和全球南方的法律体系。以印度为例,我认为对“贩卖人口”和“现代奴隶制”的传统监管反应