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Diasporic comparative education: an initial tribute to anxiety and hope
Comparative Education ( IF 2.861 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/03050068.2020.1714328
Terri Kim 1

ABSTRACT Many of the iconic figures in the history of comparative education were trans-national polyglot scholars. Several key thinkers and actors in the formative years of the institutionalisation of comparative education notably in London and New York were either émigré or migrant scholars (i.e. Kandel, Hans, Ulrich, Lauwerys, Bereday). There are many more transnationally- mobile academics doing comparative education these days and we do not yet have a clear Gestalt which permits us to grasp how and why they are engaged in comparative education. This article explores this general theme, not least in terms of the concept of ‘the foreign’. The article wonders about and explores the theme of a ‘diasporic comparative education’, here taken to mean the kinds of re-thinking of comparative education undertaken by those who choose to undergo the existential and intellectual stresses of ‘becoming foreign’ while they embrace the professional identity of being ‘comparative educationists’.



摘要 比较教育史上的许多标志性人物都是跨国学者。在比较教育制度化的形成年代,特别是在伦敦和纽约,一些关键的思想家和行动者要么是移民学者,要么是移民学者(即坎德尔、汉斯、乌尔里希、劳威斯、贝雷戴)。现在有更多跨国流动的学者从事比较教育,我们还没有一个明确的格式塔,使我们能够了解他们如何以及为什么从事比较教育。本文探讨了这个总的主题,尤其是在“外国”的概念方面。这篇文章对“侨民比较教育”的主题进行了思考和探讨,