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The Incremental Militarization of Outer Space: A Threshold Analysis
Chinese Journal of International Law ( IF 1.000 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-01 , DOI: 10.1093/chinesejil/jmy006
Francis Grimal 1 , Jae Sundaram 1

The overarching theme of this article is not to revisit existing debates surrounding the application of jus ad bellum or jus in bello parameters to the “peculiarities” of outer space. Rather, this article examines the major treaties that regulate a States’ military activities in outer space (including, for example, the Outer Space Treaty, Limited Test Ban Treaty, Liability Convention and, PPWT), alongside Charter norms, such as Article 2(4)of the UN Charter, to pinpoint the threshold of breach, violation and incremental militarization of outer space. With respect to the PPWT, it is important to note at this juncture that it remains a “proposal”, and at best, lex ferenda. A natural consequence from this analysis will be to underscore the extent to which “toleration” of such violations by States, and the international community as a whole, has resulted in the incremental militarization of space.



本文的首要主题不是重新审视现有的关于将 jus ad bellum 或 jus in bello parameters 应用于外层空间“特殊性”的辩论。相反,本文研究了规范一国在外层空间的军事活动的主要条约(包括,例如,外层空间条约、有限禁试条约、责任公约和 PPWT)以及宪章规范,例如第 2 条( 4)《联合国宪章》,明确外空违反、违反和渐进军事化的门槛。关于 PPWT,重要的是要注意此时它仍然是一个“提案”,充其量是 lex ferenda。这一分析的一个自然结果将是强调各国和整个国际社会对此类侵权行为的“容忍”程度,