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Parental strategies used in communication with their deaf infants
Child Language Teaching and Therapy ( IF 0.912 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0265659019852664
Wille Beatrijs 1 , Van Lierde Kristiane 1 , Van Herreweghe Mieke 1

One way of increasing caregivers’ language accessibility when interacting with a deaf child is through visual communication strategies. By using both a longitudinal and cross-sectional approach, this study will reveal which strategies deaf and hearing parents prefer and implement in their daily communication with their deaf children. First, the interactions of one deaf and two hearing mothers with their deaf children were recorded over the course of 18 months starting when their children were 6 months of age. Second, interactions of 5 mothers and 5 fathers (i.e. each two deaf and three hearing) with their deaf children (24 months old) were analysed for implicit and explicit strategy-use. It indicated gender related differences and confirmed caregivers’ tendencies to rely on strategies closely related to the modality of their mother tongue. Finally, deaf parents outperformed the hearing parents in the duration of successful interaction moments with their deaf children.



在与聋童互动时,提高看护人语言可及性的一种方法是通过视觉交流策略。通过使用纵向和横断面方法,本研究将揭示失聪和健听父母在与失聪儿童的日常交流中更喜欢和实施哪些策略。首先,从孩子 6 个月大开始,在 18 个月的过程中记录了一名聋哑母亲和两名听力正常的母亲与其聋哑孩子的互动。其次,分析了 5 个母亲和 5 个父亲(即每个两个聋子和三个听力)与其聋孩子(24 个月大)的互动,以了解内隐和外显策略的使用。它表明了与性别相关的差异,并证实了看护人倾向于依赖与其母语形式密切相关的策略。最后,