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Narrating personal experience of living with learning disabilities and mental health issues in institutional and community settings: A case study
British Journal of Learning Disabilities ( IF 1.238 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-24 , DOI: 10.1111/bld.12338
Paul Sutton 1 , Bob Gates 2

Accessible Summary . This is a case study about a man with learning disabilities who has mental health issues. . The case study describes the way that he told a researcher about his life. . Thirty years of his earlier life were spent in a long-stay hospital in England, UK and more recently he has lived in a community setting with five other people. . This research is important as it assists us to understand the experiences of people with learning disabilities who have mental health needs. Abstract Background Historically, the emotional lives and mental health needs of adults with learning disabilities received scant attention, especially when the policy of institutionalisation was at its zenith in the UK. Method This case study employed biographical narrative interviews based on a psychosocial approach. The main sources of data production were two loosely structured, audio-taped, interviews with a man with learning disabilities. This approach uses free association to elicit an individual’s stories about his lived experiences. Additional information was acquired from consultations with key care staff and clinical records maintained by the man’s service provider. Findings Data revealed insights into the biography of this man who had a diagnosed mental health disorder. These data recall his personal journey through the care system which took place during an important historical period encompassing both long-term institutionalisation in segregated settings, and the subsequent implementation of the policy of community care in the UK. He recalls positive and negative experiences while residing in a long-stay hospital, and the related thoughts and feelings about his life in a community setting in more recent years. Conclusion This case study contributes to an increasing body of studies that perceive the use of in-depth interviewing of individuals with learning disabilities as having high ecological validity in the development of authentic knowledge, not readily available through other methods used in the co-production of data.



无障碍摘要。这是一个关于有心理健康问题的学习障碍男子的案例研究。. 案例研究描述了他向研究人员讲述他的生活的方式。. 他早年的三十年是在英国英格兰的一家长期住院医院度过的,最近他与其他五个人一起住在社区环境中。. 这项研究很重要,因为它有助于我们了解有心理健康需求的学习障碍人士的经历。摘要 背景 从历史上看,学习障碍成年人的情感生活和心理健康需求很少受到关注,尤其是当英国的制度化政策达到顶峰时。方法 本案例研究采用基于社会心理方法的传记叙事访谈。数据生产的主要来源是对一个有学习障碍的人的两次结构松散的录音采访。这种方法使用自由联想来引出个人关于他的生活经历的故事。从与主要护理人员的咨询和该男子的服务提供者维护的临床记录中获得了更多信息。结果 数据揭示了对这个被诊断出患有精神疾病的人的传记的见解。这些数据回顾了他在护理系统中的个人经历,该系统发生在一个重要的历史时期,包括在隔离环境中的长期制度化,以及随后在英国实施社区护理政策。他回忆起长期住院期间的积极和消极经历,以及他近年来在社区环境中的相关想法和感受。结论 本案例研究有助于越来越多的研究,这些研究认为对学习障碍者进行深度访谈在发展真实知识方面具有很高的生态效度,而在共同生产中使用的其他方法不容易获得。数据。