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Silvia Croydon, The politics of police detention in Japan: consensus of convenience
Asia Pacific Law Review ( IF 0.542 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/10192557.2017.1318835
Mai Sato 1

The politics of police detention in Japan: consensus of convenience, Silvia Croydon, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016, 211pp., GBP ?69 (hardback), ISBN: 0198758340The Japanese police detention system - 'daiyo kangoku' (the literal translation meaning 'substitute prison') - has attracted much criticism both domestically and internationally.1 Under Japanese law, a suspect can be detained for up to 23 days without being charged. Croydon explains at the beginning of her book that the length of detention for suspects to be held without charge is 'the longest amongst developed nations - as much as eight times more than is typical'.2The Politics of the Police Detention in Japan: Consensus of Convenience provides an authoritative account of how the Japanese pre-charge detention system has been legitimised. It does so by looking historically from the post-war occupation of Japan under Allied Forces to the expansion of the use of pre-charge detention by the National Police Agency. The book also draws on extensive interviews with past Ministers of Justice and other politicians, the Ministry of Justice officials, the National Police Agency officials, judges, prosecutors, lawyers and civil society representatives. Croydon uses these interviews effectively to illuminate the complex politics behind the pre-charge detention system. To my knowledge, The Politics of the Police Detention in Japan: Consensus of Convenience is the first historical and empirical investigation into how Japan's pre-charge detention developed and grew, and why it has managed to resist reforms to offer more protection for suspects.Croydon starts, in Chapter One, by highlighting the problems associated with the system. She quotes official figures from 2010 illustrating that suspects are held on average just over 26 days before they are released or charged. Going beyond the 23-day detention period is permissible because the rule is applicable per charge. Therefore if a suspect is charged for multiple crimes, the length of detention without charge is 'potentially indefinite'.3 Criticism also extends to other areas of pre-charge detention. Court-appointed lawyers are only available for suspects likely to be charged with serious crimes punishable by death or imprisonment of three years or more. Even for suspects detained for such serious crimes, however, lawyers cannot be present during the first three days of detention. There is no legal requirement for interrogations to be fully recorded, and pre-indictment police bail is also not available.If these conditions are not convincing enough to conclude that the Japanese pre-charge detention model is typical of what Herbert Packer called the 'crime-control model', as opposed to a 'due process model',4 the following information may persuade the reader otherwise. The majority of suspects (98 per cent) are held in police cells under the full responsibility of the National Police Agency, rather than in official detention centres under the Ministry of Justice.5 This means the police are in total control of the suspects even when they are not being interrogated from when they are given meals to when they go to sleep. The long period of detention under police control, with limited procedural safeguards, has been described as a 'confession-extraction system'6 often associated with wrongful convictions. Confessions play a significant role in Japanese criminal trials. Defendants confess to crimes in more than 90 per cent of cases, and Japan's 99 per cent conviction rate is one of the most infamous features of its justice system. Criminal justice professionals may take the view that the extremely high conviction rate is the result of the tenacious - and long - investigations by the police, coupled with prosecution's careful selection of cases actually going to court (40 per cent of cases).Scholars7 on the other hand have taken a critical stance against the Japanese pre-charge detention system. Croydon8 in her book takes a different approach - or perhaps makes a political decision - and limits herself to the claim that there is an 'increased potential for abuse'. …


Silvia Croydon,日本警察拘留的政治:便利共识

日本警察拘留的政治:便利的共识,Silvia Croydon,牛津,牛津大学出版社,2016,211pp.,GBP?69(精装本),ISBN:0198758340日本警察拘留系统——'daiyo kangoku'(直译意思) “替代监狱”)——在国内和国际上都引起了很多批评。1 根据日本法律,嫌疑人最多可被拘留 23 天而不会受到指控。克罗伊登在她的书的开头解释说,嫌疑人未经指控而被拘留的时间是“发达国家中最长的——是典型的八倍”。2日本警察拘留的政治:共识《便利》对日本的指控前拘留制度如何合法化提供了权威性的解释。从历史上看,从战后盟军对日本的占领,到国家警察厅扩大对指控前拘留的使用,它都是这样做的。这本书还借鉴了对过去司法部长和其他政治家、司法部官员、国家警察署官员、法官、检察官、律师和民间社会代表的广泛采访。克罗伊登有效地利用这些采访来阐明指控前拘留制度背后的复杂政治。据我所知,《日本警察拘留的政治:便利的共识》是对日本的指控前拘留如何发展和增长,以及为什么它设法抵制为嫌疑人提供更多保护的改革的第一次历史和实证调查。Croydon第一章开始,通过突出与系统相关的问题。她引用了 2010 年的官方数据,表明嫌疑人在被释放或起诉前平均被拘留 26 天多一点。超过 23 天的拘留期是允许的,因为该规则适用于每项指控。因此,如果嫌疑人被指控犯有多项罪名,那么未经指控的拘留期限“可能无限期”。3 批评还延伸到指控前拘留的其他领域。法庭指定的律师仅适用于可能被指控犯有可处以死刑或三年或三年以上有期徒刑的严重罪行的嫌疑人。然而,即使是因如此严重的罪行被拘留的嫌疑人,在拘留的前三天,律师也不能在场。没有法律要求对审讯进行完整记录,如果这些条件不足以令人信服地得出结论,日本的指控前拘留模式是赫伯特·帕克所谓的“犯罪控制模式”的典型,而不是“正当程序”模型',4 以下信息可能会说服读者。大多数嫌疑人(98%)被关押在由国家警察署全权负责的警察牢房中,而不是被关押在司法部下属的官方拘留中心。 5 这意味着即使在他们从吃饭到睡觉都没有受到审问。在警察控制下长期拘留,程序保障有限,被描述为“招供-提取制度” 6 常与错误定罪有关。供词在日本刑事审判中发挥着重要作用。在 90% 以上的案件中,被告都会认罪,而日本 99% 的定罪率是其司法系统中最臭名昭著的特征之一。刑事司法专业人士可能会认为,极高的定罪率是警方顽强且长期调查的结果,再加上检方对实际上法庭的案件(占案件的 40%)精心挑选的结果。另一方面,他们对日本的指控前拘留制度采取了批评的立场。Croydon8 在她的书中采取了不同的方法——或者可能做出了政治决定——并将自己限制在“滥用的可能性增加”的说法上。… 供词在日本刑事审判中发挥着重要作用。在 90% 以上的案件中,被告都会认罪,而日本 99% 的定罪率是其司法系统中最臭名昭著的特征之一。刑事司法专业人士可能会认为,极高的定罪率是警方顽强且长期调查的结果,再加上检方对实际上法庭的案件(占案件的 40%)精心挑选的结果。另一方面,他们对日本的指控前拘留制度采取了批评的立场。Croydon8 在她的书中采取了不同的方法——或者可能做出了政治决定——并将自己限制在“滥用的可能性增加”的说法上。… 供词在日本刑事审判中发挥着重要作用。在 90% 以上的案件中,被告都会认罪,而日本 99% 的定罪率是其司法系统中最臭名昭著的特征之一。刑事司法专业人士可能会认为,极高的定罪率是警方顽强且长期调查的结果,再加上检方对实际上法庭的案件(占案件的 40%)精心挑选的结果。另一方面,他们对日本的指控前拘留制度采取了批评的立场。Croydon8 在她的书中采取了不同的方法——或者可能做出了政治决定——并将自己限制在“滥用的可能性增加”的说法上。… 在 90% 以上的案件中,被告都会认罪,而日本 99% 的定罪率是其司法系统中最臭名昭著的特征之一。刑事司法专业人士可能会认为,极高的定罪率是警方顽强且长期调查的结果,再加上检方对实际上法庭的案件(占案件的 40%)精心挑选的结果。另一方面,他们对日本的指控前拘留制度采取了批评的立场。Croydon8 在她的书中采取了不同的方法——或者可能做出了政治决定——并将自己限制在“滥用的可能性增加”的说法上。… 在 90% 以上的案件中,被告都会认罪,而日本 99% 的定罪率是其司法系统中最臭名昭著的特征之一。刑事司法专业人士可能会认为,极高的定罪率是警方顽强且长期调查的结果,再加上检方对实际上法庭的案件(占案件的 40%)精心挑选的结果。另一方面,他们对日本的指控前拘留制度采取了批评的立场。Croydon8 在她的书中采取了不同的方法——或者可能做出了政治决定——并将自己限制在“滥用的可能性增加”的说法上。… 刑事司法专业人士可能会认为,极高的定罪率是警方顽强且长期调查的结果,再加上检方对实际上法庭的案件(占案件的 40%)精心挑选的结果。另一方面,他们对日本的指控前拘留制度采取了批评的立场。Croydon8 在她的书中采取了不同的方法——或者可能做出了政治决定——并将自己限制在“滥用的可能性增加”的说法上。… 刑事司法专业人士可能会认为,极高的定罪率是警方顽强且长期调查的结果,再加上检方对实际上法庭的案件(占案件的 40%)精心挑选的结果。另一方面,他们对日本的指控前拘留制度采取了批评的立场。Croydon8 在她的书中采取了不同的方法——或者可能做出了政治决定——并将自己限制在“滥用的可能性增加”的说法上。… 另一方面,学者 7 对日本的指控前拘留制度采取了批评的立场。Croydon8 在她的书中采取了不同的方法——或者可能做出了政治决定——并将自己限制在“滥用的可能性增加”的说法上。… 另一方面,学者 7 对日本的指控前拘留制度采取了批评的立场。Croydon8 在她的书中采取了不同的方法——或者可能做出了政治决定——并将自己限制在“滥用的可能性增加”的说法上。…