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Designing Redress: Who Does it, How and Why?
Asia Pacific Law Review ( IF 0.542 ) Pub Date : 2012-06-01 , DOI: 10.1080/10192557.2012.11788253
Andrew Le Sueur

Abstract Designing redress systems for grievances against public bodies ought to be viewed as a discrete and constitutionally significant activity. However, because design is carried out by a wide variety of bodies, in different contexts, and for different reasons, it has been insufficiently recognized. This article attempts to map out redress design across a whole administrative justice landscape (that of England). Recognition of design as a distinct activity may create opportunities for better joined-up thinking about how remedies relate to each other and help ensure that redress design is informed by basic principles of constitutional propriety and administrative justice.



摘要 设计针对公共机构的申诉的补救系统应该被视为一项独立的、具有宪法意义的活动。然而,由于设计是由各种各样的机构、在不同的背景下、出于不同的原因进行的,因此一直没有得到充分的认可。本文试图在整个行政司法领域(英格兰)绘制救济设计图。承认设计是一项独特的活动,可以为更好地联合思考补救措施之间的相互关系创造机会,并有助于确保补救设计符合宪法正当性和行政正义的基本原则。