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Development as education for social justice
Asia Pacific Education Review ( IF 1.823 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s12564-019-09603-2
Sung-Sang Yoo , Ridwanul Mosrur , Eunhye Lee , Diego Toca Andrea

The correlation between education and development, with time, went through many changes along with the changes of perspectives. Since both of these concepts encompass wide ranges of social phenomena and factors, the analysis remains always complicated. However, in the era of SDGs and at the time when post-development debates have been raised, it is important to address this conceptual correlation through the conceptual analysis. Different development theories, as reflected in the discussion, have presented the vitality of education in development process from different angle, in deeper analysis it became clearer that actually two major trends exist—education ‘for’ development and education ‘in’ development—under which all can be grouped. However, the critics of those different development theories paint the picture with an assumption that the role of education in the process of development has been misunderstood and mis-presented to some extent. This poses the debate towards finding how the role of education to development process can be better realized and, therefore, this paper analysed it from three key thoughts towards redefining the paradigm. Goulet argues that development needs authentic in ethical way where Sen more freedom should be given by widening individual’s capability. However, in close analysis on Freirean thoughts, the limits of this relation remain un-encompassed as the definition of development is rather contextual and flexible for the discourses on the role of education for social justice.


