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Congruence between nursing students’ and patients’ views of student–patient relationships
Advances in Health Sciences Education ( IF 4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s10459-020-09972-z
Arja Suikkala , Sanna Koskinen , Jouko Katajisto , Helena Leino-Kilpi

The growing emphasis on learning with and from patients has shifted the focus from education and healthcare professionals to the student–patient relationship. The relationship between student and patient, with a supportive preceptor as a resource, can influence the progression and development of an authentic person-centred approach to care among students. The purpose of this study was to analyse the congruence between nursing students’ and patients’ views of their relationship during students’ clinical placement. The study compared data from cross-sectional matched cohort pairs of nursing students (n = 187) and patients (n = 187) in Finland. The data were collected between March 2015 and May 2016 using corresponding questionnaires and procedures in both cases. Both students’ and patients’ views were moderately or weakly congruent in terms of facilitative relationship, characterised as a mutually enriching relationship for both students and patients through dialogue. Patients, however, tended to see the relationship significantly more often as mechanistic, focusing on students learning practical skills, compared to students who saw the relationship more often as facilitative. Patients’ age and the reasons for care were the only background variables that predicted the congruence between students’ and patients’ views of their relationships. These findings suggest ways in which student–patient relationships can be made more meaningful in supporting learning in clinical education.



对与患者一起学习和向患者学习的日益重视已将重点从教育和医疗保健专业人员转移到学生与患者的关系上。学生和患者之间的关系,以支持性导师为资源,可以影响真正以人为本的学生护理方法的进展和发展。本研究的目的是分析护生在临床实习期间对他们之间关系的看法的一致性。该研究比较了芬兰护理学生(n = 187)和患者(n = 187)的横断面匹配队列对的数据。数据是在 2015 年 3 月至 2016 年 5 月期间使用相应的问卷和程序收集的。学生和患者的观点在促进关系方面具有中度或微弱的一致性,其特点是通过对话对学生和患者来说是一种相互丰富的关系。然而,与更经常将这种关系视为促进性关系的学生相比,患者更倾向于将这种关系视为机械性的,侧重于学生学习实用技能。患者的年龄和接受护理的原因是预测学生和患者对其关系看法一致性的唯一背景变量。这些发现提出了如何使学生与患者的关系在支持临床教育学习方面更有意义。然而,与更经常将这种关系视为促进性关系的学生相比,他们更倾向于将这种关系视为机械性的,侧重于学生学习实用技能。患者的年龄和接受护理的原因是预测学生和患者对其关系看法一致性的唯一背景变量。这些发现提出了如何使学生与患者的关系在支持临床教育学习方面更有意义。然而,与更经常将这种关系视为促进性关系的学生相比,他们更倾向于将这种关系视为机械性的,侧重于学生学习实用技能。患者的年龄和接受护理的原因是预测学生和患者对其关系看法一致性的唯一背景变量。这些发现提出了如何使学生与患者的关系在支持临床教育学习方面更有意义。患者的年龄和接受护理的原因是预测学生和患者对其关系看法一致性的唯一背景变量。这些发现表明了如何使学生与患者的关系在支持临床教育学习方面更有意义。患者的年龄和接受护理的原因是预测学生和患者对其关系看法一致性的唯一背景变量。这些发现提出了如何使学生与患者的关系在支持临床教育学习方面更有意义。