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Religious Unbelief in Three Western European Countries: Identifying and Characterizing Unbeliever Types Using Latent Class Analysis
The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion ( IF 2.880 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-21 , DOI: 10.1080/10508619.2019.1591140
Marjaana Lindeman 1 , Michiel van Elk 2 , Jari Lipsanen 1 , Pinja Marin 1 , Uffe Schjødt 3

ABSTRACT The different forms of religious unbelief are still much of an open question. Using data (N = 4,404) from three European countries—Finland, Denmark, and the Netherlands—we sought to identify underlying unbeliever groups among those with the strongest disbelief in God (N = 2,258). Latent class analyses were conducted on the nontheistic supernatural beliefs of this subsection of participants, resulting in the same three unbeliever groups in each country: analytic atheists, spiritual but not religious (SBNR), and uncertain nonbelievers. Next, we explored these groups on a variety of dimensions, especially on the group members’ attitudes to religion, certainty of beliefs, cognitive dispositions, and worldview. One-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs) revealed similarities as well as distinct characters for each of the latent groups. The groups differed most in intuitive thinking style, overmentalizing bias, and other ontological confusions. To compare the latent groups to all other individuals who took part in the study, two discriminant analyses were run with all participants. This resulted in four meaningful dimensions that supported and extended the ANOVAs findings and allowed for the consideration of other (non)believers. Overall, this study supports earlier findings on analytic atheists and SBNR while providing new information about their dispositions. Of interest, the uncertain nonbeliever group has been largely unexplored previously, and it should gain more attention in future studies.



摘要 不同形式的宗教不信仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。使用来自三个欧洲国家(芬兰、丹麦和荷兰)的数据(N = 4,404),我们试图在最不相信上帝的人(N = 2,258)中找出潜在的非信徒群体。对这部分参与者的非神论超自然信仰进行了潜在阶级分析,结果在每个国家都产生了相同的三个非信徒群体:分析无神论者、精神但非宗教 (SBNR) 和不确定的非信徒。接下来,我们从多个维度探索了这些群体,特别是群体成员对宗教的态度、信仰的确定性、认知倾向和世界观。单向方差分析 (ANOVA) 揭示了每个潜在组的相似性和不同的特征。这些群体在直觉思维方式、过度心理化偏见和其他本体论混淆方面差异最大。为了将潜在群体与参与研究的所有其他个体进行比较,对所有参与者进行了两项判别分析。这产生了四个有意义的维度,支持和扩展了方差分析的发现,并允许考虑其他(非)信徒。总的来说,这项研究支持了早期关于分析无神论者和 SBNR 的发现,同时提供了有关他们性格的新信息。有趣的是,不确定的非信徒群体以前在很大程度上未被探索过,在未来的研究中应该得到更多的关注。对所有参与者进行了两项判别分析。这产生了四个有意义的维度,支持和扩展了方差分析的发现,并允许考虑其他(非)信徒。总的来说,这项研究支持了早期关于分析无神论者和 SBNR 的发现,同时提供了有关他们性格的新信息。有趣的是,不确定的非信徒群体以前在很大程度上未被探索过,在未来的研究中应该得到更多的关注。对所有参与者进行了两项判别分析。这产生了四个有意义的维度,支持和扩展了方差分析的发现,并允许考虑其他(非)信徒。总的来说,这项研究支持了早期关于分析无神论者和 SBNR 的发现,同时提供了有关他们性格的新信息。有趣的是,不确定的非信徒群体以前在很大程度上未被探索过,在未来的研究中应该得到更多的关注。